

Greetings Wikipedia, I'm from Syria, was born and currently live in Canada and really need to work on my Arabic. I use to be fluent in Arabic when I was four years old, but then I moved back to Canada (as I noted, I was born there) and over the next decade or so I am no longer able to write in Arabic, however I can still probably hold a simple conversation in the language.

I greatly like reading about ancient Near Eastern archaeology and Biblical archaeology as well as history in the Roman Period. I also possess tremendous respect for scholars including William F. Albright, Richard Bauckham, Steven Collins, Yosef Garfinkel, Avraham Faust, William Lane Craig, Eilat Mazar, and several others.

That's all I've really got to say for now, and I thereby bid you may be content with this information.

Wikipedia has some cool functions that I'm starting to learn about.