People say "A jack of all trades is a master of none", is one of the coolest quotes I know, was always striving to become a Jack. Who cares about becoming a master. Just want to touch the edges of every field I like.. I love to spend confused blues in understanding complexity behind imagination and reality. No matter what kind of complexity, ambiguity, or being confused it could be, I'd love to stay indifferent bt it, love to struggle myself.. Alone..Dunno may be I am just pretending to be. I love the living..and loving.. Lazy sometimes, dedicated to the work I love, Deeply involved in that, Sometimes unpredictable. Never think abt the future, or past. Enjoy the pain and happiness the same. The critical paradox between the confusion and confidence is not a hypocrisy within you. Lets make it simple, Its not inferiority complex, so I can say I am confidant enough. I do love making it complicated. I mean taking a risk at the edge of it. Never want to hurt anyone. Sometimes being honest with someone makes it more complicated. People understand that anyways. I like being suffered rather than dominating or demanding or at least I never bother about my simple feelings when they get hurt…not to expect not depend, or not to ask as Ayn Rand defines Objectivism. I feel your pain, I feel your joy. I am your best friend. I can be your best soulmate. I can say I love you, I miss you with out any regrets. Just like the way you do. People say I convince people. I don't think so. I never intended to do that. I just want to say what I exactly wanted to say. I am an old type sometimes. I thought writing a letter could be a best thing instead of an sms, or an offline message or just saying a sorry or thank you. People needs detailed description, (even they dont know that they need) you know it makes easy and makes it less heavy and gives freedom. Small things makes big differences. I never get angered. May be its my inability to show my grief, or whatever you say. I'd prefer loving no matter what it could be. Its fine. Just tell yourself that ITs FINE no matter how odd the life could be. Open your arms, and say to yourself that "Welcome world" it feels good. Accept everything just like the way it is, admit that it should happen in this way, as natural as the way it is. Whichever come across your way. Once you get used to it, it will be the freedom. I think I am a freedom seeker. Dont know. Kinda uncertain.