Kristy Anna Victoria Gellini is the Australian Born English Copyright/Production Rights holder of Rock n' Roll Legend Buddy Holly and The Crickets' Big Gold Record Stars in Person Tour' known also to the fans as 'The Florida Tour' The collection of five polaroid images, two of Buddy Holly, which took place on Feburary 23 1958 at Connie Mack Stadium in West Palm Beach, Florida U.S.A. The images were shot by sixteen year old Joseph Isenberg. The images were kept in an album in Florida for 57 years, before they were sold to a fan in England, who Kristy Anna Victoria purchased them from becoming the third owner. Feburary 2018 marks sixty years since Buddy Holly and the Crickets, performed on The Florida Tour, just three weeks after their highly successful, one and only Australian Tour, and just five days before landing in England Feburary 28 1958 and doing a press conference, and photo op, with staff from Valentine Magazine, in Soho, London U.K. The images have exsisted in Florida, the U.K, and Brisbane Queensland Australia, subseqently following the footsteps of Buddy Holly. Kristy Anna Victoria also owns the only Lubbock High School Westerner Yearbook in the world, twice signed and inscribed by Buddy Holly. Her collection is documented and authenticated. In Feburary 2016 Kristy Anna Victoria travelled to the U.S to visit the Buddy Holly crash site at Cerro Gordo County, Iowa, The Surf Ballroom in Clear Lake, Iowa, the last venue Buddy Holly performed on stage Feburary 2 1959 before he was tragically killed in an aircrash of a 1947 Beechcraft Bonanza N3794N in the very early hours of Feburary 3 1959. Exactly one year and six hours after Buddy Holly, and The Crickets played at Cloudland Ballroom in Kristy Anna Victoria's hometown, Brisbane Queensland Australia. She has also travelled to Buddy Holly's hometown of Lubbock Texas, to visit his grave, have lunch with his Niece Sherry Holley, tour Lubbock High School, the birthplace of Buddy Holly, The Buddy Holly Centre, and The Buddy Holly Statue. In Feburary 2016 Kristy Anna Victoria met an fell in love with Canada's number one Holly fan Mark Avigdor Fisher. Following her U.S trip, she installed Mark Fisher as her admin, on World Buddy Holly Society, which she founded. On May 5 2016 Kristy Anna Victoria left Australia to travel to Montreal, Quebec Canada to meet Mark Fisher at Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport, where she stayed with him for three weeks, before returning to Australia. At the airport, before boarding Mark made Kristy Anna Victoria, promise, that they would meet again. On returning to Australia, they both decided, that they needed to be together again, so twelve days later, Kristy Anna Victoria, flew back to Montreal to be with Mark. On her second trip to Canada, Mark Fisher and Kristy Anna Victoria Gellini travelled from Montreal, to New York, where they both visited Buddy Holly's apartment 4H at the Brevoort in the swanky hamlet of Greenwich Village. Mark Fisher and Kristy Anna Victoria, have also visited other Holly Tour sites, The Montreal Forum in Montreal Canada, and The Surf Ballroom, In Brisbane Queensland Australia. Kristy Anna Victoria Gellini and Mark Fisher have both contributed to the new Holly biography 'Simply Buddy'. © 2018 Kristy Anna Victoria Gellini