User:Kweetal nl/IOC132/Locustellidae

Family Locustellidae - Grassbirds & Allies [1]

Classification of Locustellidae revised (8.2) to follow Alström et al. (2018b). Family name Locustellidae has priority over Megaluridae (Bock 1994; BOU).

Locustellidae   genera: 11
Locustellidae   species: 67
Locustellidae   subspecies: 93

Locustellidae   Breeding Range: e PAL, AF, PAL, OR, AU, PO [2]


Common name Species + authority Br.
au yr id
Cordillera ground warbler Robsonius rabori (Rand, 1960) OR Rand 1960 1
Sierra Madre ground warbler Robsonius thompsoni Hosner, Boggess, Alviola, Sánchez-González, LA, Oliveros, Urriza & Moyle, 2013 OR Hosn 2013 2
Bicol ground warbler Robsonius sorsogonensis (Rand & Rabor, 1967) OR Rand 1967 3
Gray's grasshopper warbler Helopsaltes fasciolatus (Gray, GR, 1861) PAL Gray 1861 4
Sakhalin grasshopper warbler Helopsaltes amnicola (Stepanyan, 1972) PAL Step 1972 5
Marsh grassbird Helopsaltes pryeri (Seebohm, 1884) e PAL Seeb 1884 6
Pallas's grasshopper warbler Helopsaltes certhiola (Pallas, 1811) PAL Pall 1811 7
Middendorff's grasshopper warbler Helopsaltes ochotensis (Middendorff, 1853) PAL Midd 1853 8
Styan's grasshopper warbler Helopsaltes pleskei (Taczanowski, 1890) PAL Tacz 1890 9
Lanceolated warbler Locustella lanceolata (Temminck, 1840) PAL Temm 1840 10
Bamboo warbler Locustella alfredi (Hartlaub, 1890) AF Hart 1890 11
River warbler Locustella fluviatilis (Wolf, 1810) AF, PAL Wolf 1810 12
Savi's warbler Locustella luscinioides (Savi, 1824) PAL Savi 1824 13
Long-billed bush warbler Locustella major (Brooks, WE, 1871) OR, PAL Broo 1871 14
Brown bush warbler Locustella luteoventris (Hodgson, 1845) OR Hodg 1845 15
Common grasshopper warbler Locustella naevia (Boddaert, 1783) PAL Bodd 1783 16
Chinese bush warbler Locustella tacsanowskia Swinhoe, 1871 PAL Swin 1871 17
Friendly bush warbler Locustella accentor (Sharpe, 1888) OR Shar 1888 18
Long-tailed bush warbler Locustella caudata (Ogilvie-Grant, 1895) OR Ogil 1895 19
Sulawesi bush warbler Locustella castanea (Büttikofer, 1893) AU Bütt 1893 20
Seram bush warbler Locustella musculus (Stresemann, 1914) AU Stre 1914 21
Taliabu bush warbler Locustella portenta Rheindt, Prawiradilaga, Ashari, Suparno & Gwee, 2020 AU Rhei 2020 22
Buru bush warbler Locustella disturbans (Hartert, EJO, 1900) AU Hart 1900 23
Baikal bush warbler Locustella davidi (La Touche, 1923) PAL La T 1923 24
West Himalayan bush warbler Locustella kashmirensis (Sushkin, 1925) OR Sush 1925 25
Spotted bush warbler Locustella thoracica (Blyth, 1845) OR Blyt 1845 26
Taiwan bush warbler Locustella alishanensis (Rasmussen, Round, Dickinson & Rozendaal, 2000) OR Rasm 2000 27
Russet bush warbler Locustella mandelli (Brooks, WE, 1875) OR Broo 1875 28
Dalat bush warbler Locustella idonea (Riley, 1940) OR Rile 1940 29
Javan bush warbler Locustella montis (Hartert, EJO, 1896) AU, OR Hart 1896 30
Sichuan bush warbler Locustella chengi Alström, Xia, Rasmussen, Olsson, Dai B, Zhao J, Leader, Carey, Dong L, Cai T, Holt, PI, Hung Le Manh, Song G, Liu Y, Zhang Y & Lei F, 2015 OR Alst 2015 31
Benguet bush warbler Locustella seebohmi (Ogilvie-Grant, 1895) OR Ogil 1895 32
Fly River grassbird Poodytes albolimbatus D'Albertis & Salvadori, 1879 AU Albe 1879 33
Spinifexbird Poodytes carteri (North, 1900) AU Nort 1900 34
Chatham fernbird Poodytes rufescens (Buller, 1869) AU Bull 1869 35
New Zealand fernbird Poodytes punctatus (Quoy & Gaimard, 1832) AU Quoy 1832 36
Little grassbird Poodytes gramineus (Gould, 1845) AU Goul 1845 37
Malia Malia grata Schlegel, 1880 AU Schl 1880 38
Brown songlark Cincloramphus cruralis (Vigors & Horsfield, 1827) AU Vigo 1827 39
Rusty thicketbird Cincloramphus rubiginosus (Sclater, PL, 1881) AU Scla 1881 40
New Britain thicketbird Cincloramphus grosvenori (Gilliard, 1960) AU Gill 1960 41
Buff-banded thicketbird Cincloramphus bivittatus (Bonaparte, 1850) AU Bona 1850 42
Rufous songlark Cincloramphus mathewsi Iredale, 1911 AU Ired 1911 43
Papuan grassbird Cincloramphus macrurus (Salvadori, 1876) AU Salv 1876 44
Tawny grassbird Cincloramphus timoriensis (Wallace, 1864) AU, OR Wall 1864 45
Guadalcanal thicketbird Cincloramphus turipavae (Cain & Galbraith, ICJ, 1955) AU Cain 1955 46
Santo thicketbird Cincloramphus whitneyi (Mayr, 1933) AU Mayr 1933 47
New Caledonian thicketbird Cincloramphus mariae (Verreaux, J, 1869) AU Verr 1869 48
Long-legged thicketbird Cincloramphus rufus (Reichenow, 1891) PO Reic 1891 49
Bougainville thicketbird Cincloramphus llaneae (Hadden, 1983) AU Hadd 1983 50
Striated grassbird Megalurus palustris Horsfield, 1821 OR Hors 1821 51
Sri Lanka bush warbler Elaphrornis palliseri (Blyth, 1851) OR Blyt 1851 52
Broad-tailed grassbird Schoenicola platyurus (Jerdon, 1841) OR Jerd 1841 53
Bristled grassbird Schoenicola striatus (Jerdon, 1841) OR Jerd 1841 54
Fan-tailed grassbird Catriscus brevirostris (Sundevall, 1850) AF Sund 1850 55
Knysna warbler Bradypterus sylvaticus Sundevall, 1860 AF Sund 1860 56
Bangwa forest warbler Bradypterus bangwaensis Delacour, 1943 AF Dela 1943 57
Barratt's warbler Bradypterus barratti Sharpe, 1876 AF Shar 1876 58
Evergreen forest warbler Bradypterus lopezi (Alexander, 1903) AF Alex 1903 59
Cinnamon bracken warbler Bradypterus cinnamomeus (Rüppell, 1840) AF Rüpp 1840 60
Grey emutail Bradypterus seebohmi (Sharpe, 1879) AF Shar 1879 61
Brown emutail Bradypterus brunneus (Sharpe, 1877) AF Shar 1877 62
Dja River scrub warbler Bradypterus grandis Ogilvie-Grant, 1917 AF Ogil 1917 63
Little rush warbler Bradypterus baboecala (Vieillot, 1817) AF Viei 1817 64
White-winged swamp warbler Bradypterus carpalis Chapin, 1916 AF Chap 1916 65
Grauer's swamp warbler Bradypterus graueri Neumann, 1908 AF Neum 1908 66
Highland rush warbler Bradypterus centralis Neumann, 1908 AF Neum 1908 67

Locustellidae genera

Genus + authority spp Br.
au yr id Comment
Robsonius Collar, 2006 3 OR Coll 2006 1 Robsonius is basal and sister to rest of Locustellidae, not a babbler (Oliveros et al. 2012; Alström et al. 2018). Change group name to Ground Warbler (Hosner et al. 2013).
Helopsaltes Alström, Cibois, Irestedt, Zuccon, Gelang, Fjeldså, Andersen, Moyle, Pasquet & Olsson, 2018 6 e PAL PAL Alst 2018 2 Separation (8.2) of 6 species from Locustella to Helopsaltes follows phylogeny of Alström et al. (2018). Accepted by Chesser et al. (2020), NACC 2020-B-04. Sequence follows Alström et al. (2018).
Locustella Kaup, 1829 23 OR AU AF PAL Kaup 1829 3 Sequence follows Alström et al. (2018).
Poodytes Cabanis, 1851 5 AU Caba 1851 4 Separation (8.2) of 5 species from Megalurus to Poodytes follows phylogeny of Alström et al. (2018).
Malia Schlegel, 1880 1 AU Schl 1880 5 Malia was traditionally allied to the bulbuls (Pycnonotidae), but recent data indicates relationship to Megalurus grassbirds (Locustellidae) (Johansson et al. 2008; Oliveros et al. 2012; Alström et al. 2018).
Cincloramphus Gould, 1838 12 OR AU PO Goul 1838 6
Megalurus Horsfield, 1821 1 OR Hors 1821 7 Megalurus previously included two species now (8.2) in Cincloramphus (mathewsi, cruralis), and Spinifexbird in Eremiornis (Alström 2011a).
Elaphrornis Legge, 1879 1 OR Legg 1879 8
Schoenicola Blyth, 1844 2 OR Blyt 1844 9
Catriscus Cabanis, 1851 1 AF Caba 1851 10
Bradypterus Swainson, 1837 12 AF Swai 1837 11


  1. ^ Gill, F, D Donsker, and P Rasmussen (Eds). 2023. IOC World Bird List (v 13.2).
  2. ^ IOC Ranges