Kwesiga Bosco Kwizera is a professional Field Guide, born and raised in the Western Uganda-Eastern Africa with an extensive knowledge of wildlife and conservation. He has had many years of experience running Tours in East Africa, Bush Camps and Safari Lodges including training and management of the staff.

After his high school, he went to college for Diploma in Wildlife Conservation, Catering and Hotel Management and later a bachelor's degree in BBA and along the way he has attended several short courses in Business Managment, Nature interpretation, Bird watching, Wildlife Management.

Attributes: He has worked with Around Africa Safaris, Africa Beyond Boarders (Go2Africa) and Mogambo and he has successfully guided and led tours for different international Travel agencies; African Geographic Travel USA/RSA, Birding Ecotours RSA/USA, Cheepers Africa RSA, Talon Tours USA, Mammal Watching USA, Bustards Birding Tours RSA, Errol Birding RSA and many more Individual Tours. He believes conservation, Culture and nature preservation is Humanity existence.

Bosco believes in leaving footprints of great adventures to everyone traveling to Africa for a Safari and conserving Wildlife and Nature for the future generation in the continent.