Hi there. I'm Kuristine Goombella "Kurisu" Kuriette. I review files and see if the licences are correct, if files can be moved to WikiCommons, correct licences, mark files for deletion where needed, et alia. I also do minor touch-ups on spelling and referencing. Consider me to be a handy little Goomba introject (see below) when it comes to files and edits.
Before anyone asks, I use she/her, I'm a singlet introject of Goombella from Paper Mario RPG: The Thousand Year Door and I have Autism Spectrum Disorder. My body, Kuribon, also uses she/her.
Social media:
YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/@KurisuKuriette
Discord Guild/Server: https://discord.gg/m44GZ9gt5t
Tattler/Twitter/X account: https://twitter.com/@KurisuKuriette
Twitch account (my Wikipedia username was my Twitch username until I changed the latter): https://twitch.com/kurisukuriette
Signed, Kuristine Goombella "Kurisu" Kuriette, aka "Lerutas" (talk)