19:01 UTC

Sugar content of soft drinks


There is a great deal controversy surrounding the sugar content of soft drinks. (add comments re obesity, diabtes etc)

This table lists the "sugars" content of soft drinks according to their brand names. The information has been collected from container labels in New Zealand. The term "sugars" includes sucrose, fructose, lactose, and any other dietary sugars. (something about trademarks and their owners)

Brand name Sugars (g/100ml) Container size (ml) Total sugars in container
Fanta (original) 13.3 600 79.8
Phoenix Ginger Beer 8.8 ? ?
Phoenix Lemonade 8.8 ? ?
Keri Fruit Fresher (Lemon and Lime) 7.5 500 38
Keri Fruit Fresher (Apple and Blackcurrant) 6.4 500 32
Powerade (Lemon-Lime) 6.2 750 46.5
(template row) ? ? ?

(Darn, I've lost most of the content I was going to put in this table. I know it's around here somewhere...)

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