December 1st 2020

i was reading an article on how some every day man earned millions in days with his developing work. i was looking as these screenshots of amazing creations such as entire game maps and even full scripts to the game. i have always been interested in creating in game items in a game called Roblox but i just didn't have the resources at the time. i decided to do some research about the world of developing and found many articles based on peoples stories on how they became a developer. one story that really caught my eye was a story about a lone developer who recently created a farm themed battle royal game. he also supplied the readers with multiple modelling software's he used to create the game. i tried multiple but they where all too complex to understand, except for one. Roblox studios. i knew i was going down the wrong path with developing but i was hooked the second i tried it. it comes with millions of ready made assets to use and even a helpful digital handbook. as i was trying out new features i saw a button which said "Learn about the UGC Program" i clicked on it and it opened a door to my developing path. roblox allowed a limited amount of talented users to post avatar items such as hats, gear and accessories. i instantly became attached with the idea of becoming a ugc creator. luckily roblox where handing out applications to become one at the time to i took a shot and filled one out. as i got through the application i came across a box which was ladled "insert image of an original creation". this worried me a little because i didn't want to post a bad image and not be accepted. i had many projects i was working on at the time and i knew they where all really good. i ended up choosing a steampunk themed top hat. i clicked the send request button and hoped for the best.

February 20th 2021 it has been months since i sent the application but i heard nothing in return. i had been working on a game called clicking legends witch ended up having over 4k active played daily. i put the aplication to one side for now and worked hard maintaining this game i created. i had 1 other developer which i will not be naming for reasons i will talk about later. me and the developer became best friends making this game until a tragic event which happened. the game was shut down for violating the roblox teams and conditions. i was devastated. it was because stolen files where detected in my game. i went to message my developer friend but he had blocked me on all social media. the game shutting down looked like nothing after i saw my robux purchase history. the 8,000,000 robux in my account was used to buy a shirt which was made by my x dev friend. he betrayed me. in a rage i smashed my keyboard against the table. keys where everywhere. i felt like it was all over. all this work for nothing.

Summer 2021 i was watching a YouTube video and all of a sudden i hear a ping. it was an email from roblox. i was confused what it was for because i haven't played in months. i opened up the email and saw the greatest 2 words i have ever seen in an email. "application accepted". this was amazing to see. i could finally post my avatar items for people too see. in a hurry i went into my files. made sure everything was correctly aligned with the humanoid and posted the creation. within 10 minutes i already made around 800R$. it was amazing how quickly i made so much income. i decided to see how fa i could push it and used the 800 roubx to create an add for the item. this of corse boosted my sales. and it all wen down hill from here. i logged into my account an hour later to be greeted with a permanent ban. my heart dropped seeing it. i had no clue why i was banned. i followed every rule and even double checked. i contacted roblox hoping it was just a mistake but they couldnt do anything about it. i again lost everything. to this day i post roblox items on twitter hoping i can get a place back on the UGC program.