Hello my name is Lily Mayfield and I am a pansexual trans woman! I have been programming forever in Python. I love making things, doing art, just doing projects and absorbing info in general. Here is everything I do: http://lillian.link

My userboxes

 This user is an Anarchist.  
 This user enjoys philosophy.
pl-1Ten użytkownik posługuje się językiem polskim na poziomie podstawowym.
fr-0Cet utilisateur ne comprend pas le français ou seulement avec des difficultés notables.
es-0Este usuario no entiende español (o lo entiende muy difícilmente).
progThis user is a programmer.
enThis user is a native speaker of the English language.
 This user is a switch.
 This user identifies as a femme.
 This user identifies as pansexual. 
 This user plays on Lichess.org as lily-m .
 This user is a shogi player.
  This user is interested in
Hellenistic Greece
 This user is interested in the Paris Commune.
 This user is interested in the Spanish Revolution.
 This user is interested in