Aubry-Mather theory is a family of mathematical results within the theory of dynamical systems. The theory characterizes the set of trajectories, which are globally minimal with respect to a class of discrete one-dimensional actions. These actions arise in the context of monotone twist maps of the annulus, the Frenkel–Kontorova model and geodesics on tori.

Variational problem


In Aubry-Mather theory, one considers bi-infinite sequences   together with an "action" given by a function  . Finite segments   are evaluated by summing over the contributions of next neighbours:


A segment   is said to be minimal with respect to  , if   for all segments   with identical endpoints   and  . If all finite segments of a sequence   are minimal, then   is said to be globally minimal. Let the corresponding set of all globally minimal sequences be denoted by  . Aubry-Mather theory makes statements about the structure of   for functions  , that satisfy the following conditions:

  1. periodicity:   for all  
  2. coercivity:   uniformly in  
  3. ordering: if   and  , then  
  4. transversality: if   with  , then  

These properties are not as restrictive as they may seem. In fact, if   is twice differentiable, then conditions 2. to 4. are implied by[a]

  for all  .

In that case, a trajectory is said to be stationary , if   for all  , which includes all elements of  .



If there exists a strictly convex function   with  , such that   can be written as  , then


and all stationary trajectories satisfy


Since the derivate of a strictly convex function is injective, the difference between consecutive elements of a stationary   must be the same for all  . On the other hand, for every   and   the trajectory given by   is stationary. In conclusion, all globally minimal trajectories are of this form, i.e.


These sequences can be interpreted as orbits of iterated functions  , meaning each element   is mapped to the next one by  . Under the projection onto the circle  , the functions   generating   can be interpreted as lifts of rotations by an angle  .

Minimal trajectories


As a main result, Aubry-Mather theory identifies the elements of   as trajectories of lifted orientation-preserving circle homeomorphisms. That is, for every  , there exists a continous strictly increasing map  , with   for all  , such that   for all  . This allows to classify the elements of   by their corresponding rotation number  . Moreover, the map   is onto, meaning for every real number   the set   is non-empty. According to the Poincaré classification theorem, there is a topological distinction between homeomorphisms with rational and irrational rotation number, which is also reflected in the structure of the  .

For both rational and irrational rotation numbers, certain subsets of   have the property of being totally ordered by elementwise comparison (  iff   for all  ). Then, if   is such a set, the projection   maps   onto a subset   homeomorphically.

Trajectories with rational rotation number


Let   with   coprime and   the subset of periodic trajectories, that is   for all  . Then   is totally ordered and its image   under   is either equal to  , in which case  , or there exist neighboring orbits  , such that   and no   between them. Then, for each pair of neighboring orbits, there exist trajectories whose forward and backward orbits converge to   and   respectively:


The elements of   and   are the only heteroclinic trajectories in   and are the only occurrences of trajectories crossing each other. In particular, each of the unions   and   are totally ordered. This concludes the structure of  , since it is the disjoint union of  ,   and  .

Trajectories with irrational rotation number


Let  , then   is totally ordered and generated by a single function  . While there are no perdiodic trajectories with irrational rotation number, the more general set of recurrent trajectories plays a central role. These trajectories are limits of periodic ones and can be approximated using sequences   with integers  :


The image of   under   is equal to the set of recurrent points   and by the Poincaré classification theorem, it either holds  , in which case  , or   is a Cantor set  . This has implications regarding sequences of trajectories: in the former case, convergence in   is always uniform, while in the latter case of the Cantor set, convergence never is uniform. Moreover, there is the countable subset of trajectories  , where   is the endpoint of a component of  . Such trajectories can only be approximanted from above or below, in contrast to the uncountable set of trajectories not corresponding to endpoints, which can be approximated from both sides.

In most cases, one will have  , even if   is a Cantor set, but it is in general possible for   to be non-empty. In that case, for every  , there are asymptotic trajectories  , with   and  .



In the grander scheme of Hamiltonian mechanics, the significance of Aubry-Mather theory becomes apparent in its application to non-integrable systems. In general, the question of stable orbits is linked to the existence of invariant subsets. While for an integrable system, phase space is foliated by such invariant tori, the Kolmogorov–Arnold–Moser theorem makes statements about which of these tori survive under a weak nonlinear pertubation. Aubry-Mather theory then completes this picture as it guarantees the existance of so called Cantori, invariant remnands of those tori which are destroyed.



Frenkel-Kontorova model


For a classical Frenkel-Kontorova model with an arbitrary differentiable 1-periodic substrate potential  , the function


satisfies all conditions imposed above, given that  . Summing over nearstest neighbours then gives the total potential energy, where the set of stationary trajectories corresponds to the equilibrium states of the system, each sequence representing the atoms positions. If   is a minimal trajectory generated by  , then the trajectory   generated by the inverse function   is also minimal, because   is symmetric in its variables. It furthermore holds  , hence it firstly suffices to consider trajectories with a positve rotation number and secondly allows to interpret the rotation number as the atomic mean distance:


Applying the results of Aubry-Mather theory, there exists a minimal energy configuration for every atomic mean distance. Recurrent trajectories[b] from   are called ground states of the model, while a trajectory in the complement   is an elementary defect. Configurations with rational or irrational rotation number, are called commensurate and incommensurate respectively. The notion of heteroclinic trajecoties in   and   is translated to the physical context as advanced and delayed elementary discommensurations, respectively.

Monotone twist maps of the annulus


An orientation preserving  -diffeomorphism   from the annulus   to itself is called a monotone twist map, if its lift  

  1. is Lebesgue area-preserving:  , which is equivalent to the Jacobian determinant being  
  2. satisfies the twist condition[c]:  
  3. preserves the boundary components:   and  

Such maps form measure preserving dynamical systems and arise for example as Poincare maps of Hamiltonian systems with two degrees of freedom as they inherit their parents symplectic structure. A prominent case of such a map is the standard map. The billiard in a bounded, strictly convex domain   is another system, that can be represented by a monotone twist map. There, the first coordinate   is given by a natural parametrization   of the boundary of  , while the second coordinate encodes the angle of reflection using  .[d]

From a given monotone twist map, one can construct a 1-form, that is exact on a subset of   and hence is the exterior derivative of a function  . This generating function can be extended to all of   and satisfies all conditions required above. This in turn allows to extend   and   to   resp. the cylinder  . Let  , then   is unique up to an additive constant and its relation to   can be expressed through[e]

 and .

To a trajectory   one can thus associate another trajectory   given by   and   is stationary if and only if   is a trajectory of  . To return to the original domain of  , one can utilize the preservation of the boundary components. The orbits of   generated by   and   completely lie in   and  , respectively, and their rotation numbers   and   bound the rotation numbers of trajectories realized on the annullus. That is, it holds   and for every real number inside the twist interval   a trajectory in   has a corresponding orbit of   contained in  . In particular, if  , its orbits lie in  .

Geodesics on tori


Generalizations to higher dimensional systems


See also



  1. ^ Partial derivatives are written using Euler's notation.
  2. ^ This includes periodic trajectories with rational rotation number.
  3. ^   and   denote the components of  .
  4. ^ By projecting a sphere   onto   by sending the equator to   and doubly covering the interior, one can identify geodesics on the sphere w.r.t a Riemannian metric with orbits of the billiard.
  5. ^ In a sense, this relation can be understood as a discrete Legendre transformation.

