At any one time, I am enguaged in a number of continuing editing projects here on wikipedia. This page is a holding place for material relating to these projects.

Current articles


Here you can find a list of articles that I am currently involved in either editing or the surrounding discussions:

  • NB: Find a nice template to give history and talk page links



Some of the work I am involved with often results in a need for dedicated subpages, rather than storing the information here. Below is a list of links to these subpages:

Allegations of state terror


In an attempt to help the attempts to resolve the disputes on Allegations of state terrorism by United States of America, I am reviewing a number of articles relating to "allegations" and all articles on "state terror":

  • State terrorism
    • Majorly downplays the concept of state-sponsored terrorism
    • No formal definition
    • Highly POV
  • Allegations of domestic violence
    • Examined due to the "Allegations" connection
    • Is about the making of allegations, not a list of allegations
  • Allegations of tourist apartheid in Cuba
    • The term is referenced right in the opening definition!
    • About a single, well-documented concept
    • Explict use of term in most references
  • Allegations of Israeli apartheid
    • No references in opening definition
    • Weak definition about "percieved similarities" rather than the use of the term
    • Relevence and scope of reference 1 unclear, poor first defining reference
    • Second reference actually looks good, about the increasing risk of apartheid
    • Third reference is actually highly biased towards israel. Used in a context that needs another reference ("critics" implies several)
    • The introduction really should have been the pretext at the top of the page, with the latter half nicely demonstrating the use of the term. Could have done with some quotes, though.
    • Most of the article focuses on discussing the nature of the similarities being pointed out, with references used to detail the claim, then references used to detail the thing being claimed as a similarity.
    • Not a large list of incidents, a number of clear sources for the term providing the fueling discourse.
    • Slight bias against the term, perhaps
  • State terrorism in Syria
    • Relies on the state-supported wording
    • Waits too long to introduce a reference, and is unclear as to what this reference is supporting
    • Second paragraph entirely without needed references
    • Third paragraph opens with two sentances with ambiguity as to what is being referenced
    • Assasination list is almost completely without references
    • Implication that assasination equals state terror, should not have been allowed
  • List of acts labelled as state terrorism sorted by state
    • Need I say any more than it has only 19 references, yet 40 sections?