User:LinkBot/suggestions/Alexander the Great

An automated Wikipedia link suggester has suggested 39 possible wiki links and 22 possible backlinks for the Alexander_the_Great article:

The article text has not been changed in any way; Some of these suggestions may be wrong, some may be right; Any edits to this page will be lost when LinkBot is next run.
I like it, I hate it, Please don't link toLinkBot 10:24, 17 Dec 2004 (UTC)

  • Can link ancient world: ..., was one of the most successful military commanders of the ancient world. Following the unification of the multiple city states of ...
  • Can link city states: ...e ancient world. Following the unification of the multiple city states of [[Greece]] under the rule of his father, [[Philip II of ...
  • Can link Greek culture: ...orthern [[India]]. Alexander's conquests and the fusion of Greek culture with eastern cultures ushered in the age of [[Hellenistic G...
  • Can link Asia Minor:, the Antigonids in Macedonia and the Seleucids in Syria, Asia Minor and the Middle East....
  • Can link King Philip: ... the Middle East. ==Early life== Alexander was the son of King Philip II of Macedon and of [[Epirus|Epirote]] princess [[Olympias... (link to section)
  • Can link classical Greece: ...Macedon=== Macedon was located in the northernmost part of classical Greece. In an effort to unite the rest of the Greek world against... (link to section)
  • Can link classical Greek: ...herself was from Epirus, another Greek state on the edge of classical Greek civilization, on the northwest of the Greek peninsula. Ma... (link to section)
  • Can link Libyan Desert: ...od Ammon at the Oracle of the god at the Siwah oasis in the Libyan Desert. He founded Alexandria in Egypt, which would become the fam... (link to section)
  • Can link Zagros Mountains: ...le he stormed and captured the Persian Gates (in the modern Zagros Mountains), then sprinted for [[Persepolis]] before its treasury coul... (link to section)
  • Can link Athenian Acropolis: ...he royal palace of Xerxes as revenge for the burning of the Athenian Acropolis during the Second Persian War. He then set off in pursuit o... (link to section)
  • Can link Chinese Turkestan:, and "The Furthest" Alexandria Eschate bordering today's Chinese Turkestan.... (link to section)
  • Can link Indian army: ...sted and frightened by the prospect of facing another giant Indian army at the [[Ganges River|Ganges]], his army mutinied at the [[... (link to section)
  • Can link Persian Gulf: ...neral [[Craterus]], and commissioned a fleet to explore the Persian Gulf shore under his admiral [[Nearchus]], while he led the rest... (link to section)
  • Can link rank and file: ...der executed the ringleaders of the mutiny, but forgave the rank and file. In an attempt to craft a lasting harmony between his Maced... (link to section)
  • Can link one mind: ..., Kallixeina, brought in. But the ancients were not all of one mind. [[Eumenes of Cardia|Eumenes]] (370-265) claimed Alexander ... (link to section)
  • Can link Macedonian Slavs: ... a modern sense is controversial. Recently, many Greeks and Macedonian Slavs have expressed outrage at such suggestions regarding their ... (link to section)
  • Can link sexual attraction: the concept of homosexuality did not exist in antiquity: sexual attraction between males was seen as a normal and universal part of hu... (link to section)
  • Can link human nature: ...on between males was seen as a normal and universal part of human nature since it was believed that men were attracted to beauty, an... (link to section)
  • Can link love life: ...ttribute of the young, regardless of gender. If Alexander's love life was transgressive it was not for his love of beautiful yout... (link to section)
  • Can link half-sister: sister [[Cleopatra, sister of Alexander|Cleopatra]], his half-sister [[Euridice]], and his half-brother [[Philip III of Macedon]... (link to section)
  • Can link half-brother: ...lexander|Cleopatra]], his half-sister [[Euridice]], and his half-brother [[Philip III of Macedon]], were dead. Only one of them, (An... (link to section)
  • Can link natural causes: ...acedon]], were dead. Only one of them, (Antipater), died of natural causes.... (link to section)
  • Can link 317 BC: ...atrap of [[Lydia]]), was able to stop Eumenes. At first, in 317 BC, he tried to defeat Eumenes directly at the [[Battle of Par... (link to section)
  • Can link 315 BC: ...r, so they formed with Cassander a coalition against him in 315 BC. In 312 Ptolemy conquered Cyprus while Seleucus took Babylo... (link to section)
  • Can link 305 BC: kept this all a secret for the next several years, until 305 BC. In the meantime Ptolemy, [[Lysimachus]] and Cassander sign... (link to section)
  • Can link 301 BC: ...e was defeated in the [[Battle of Ipsus]] in [[Phrygia]] in 301 BC. In the aftermath Lysimachus took Asia Minor, Seleucus took... (link to section)
  • Can link Indian territory: ...was soon defeated by the other four generals. Control over Indian territory was short-lived, ending when [[Seleucus I Nicator]] was def... (link to section)
  • Can link 279 BC: ...m Alexandria. Keraunos became new king of Macedonia, but in 279 BC Macedonia and Greece were invaded by Celts and Keraunos was... (link to section)
  • Can link 277 BC: ...nd Greece were invaded by Celts and Keraunos was killed. In 277 BC [[Antigonus II Gonatas|Antigonus Gonatas]], the grandson of... (link to section)
  • Can link world domination: ...t of a [[Napoleon]] or a [[Hitler]], a megalomaniac bent on world domination. Such views tend to be anachronistic, however, and the sour... (link to section)
  • Can link Middle Ages: ...erous expansions and revisions throughout Antiquity and the Middle Ages, exhibiting a plasticity unseen in "higher" literary forms.... (link to section)
  • Can link Late Antiquity: ...y forms. [[Latin]] and [[Syriac]] translations were made in Late Antiquity. From these, versions were developed in all the major langu... (link to section)
  • Can link historical fiction: ...eated. *From [[1969]] to [[1981]], [[Mary Renault]] wrote a historical fiction [[trilogy]], speculating on the life of Alexander: ''Fire f... (link to section)
  • Can link heavy metal band: ...ames'' (about the events following his death). *The British heavy metal band [[Iron Maiden (band)|Iron Maiden]] had a song entitled "Ale... (link to section)
  • Can link variety show: ...buted on the [[Cartoon Network]]'s ''[[Adult Swim]]'' block variety show in [[2003]].... (link to section)

Additionally, there are some other articles which may be able to linked to this one (also known as "backlinks"):

  • In Satan, can backlink Alexander the Great: ...tten on parchment brought by Satan (Esther Rabba 3:9). When Alexander the Great reproached the Jewish sages with their rebellion, they made...
  • In Sparta, can backlink Alexander of Macedon: ...rmy at the [[Battle of Leuctra]] in 371 B.C. By the time of Alexander of Macedon Sparta was a shadow of its former self, and was eventually ...
  • In Banana, can backlink Alexander the Great: ...r the first time in history in buddhist texts 600 years BC. Alexander the Great discovers the taste of the banana in the Indian valleys in ...
  • In Pyrrhus of Epirus, can backlink Alexander the Great: ...o be the second greatest commander the world had seen after Alexander the Great. As a general, Pyrrus' greatest political weaknesses were t...
  • In Akhisar, can backlink Alexander the Great: ...k place around 500 BC and later, Thyateira was conquered by Alexander the Great and went under Macedonian rule at around 300 BC. In later y...
  • In Donald Davidson (philosopher), can backlink Alexander the Great: ...elieve "Aristotle founded the Lyceum" and "Aristotle taught Alexander the Great." Whom are my beliefs ''about''? Aristotle, obviously. B...
  • In Balkh, can backlink Alexander the Great: ...ana]], [[Nineveh]] and [[Babylon]]. Bactra was conquered by Alexander the Great in 328 BCE. Its early history is at the entry [[Bactria]]....
  • In Beas River, can backlink Alexander the Great: ...asis''', marks the most easterly extent of the conquests of Alexander the Great [[326 BC]]. The river begins at the [[Rohtang Pass]] in [[H...
  • In Travelogue, can backlink Alexander the Great: ...arco Polo]], the travels of [[Ibn Battuta]], The history of Alexander the Great by [[Callisthenes]] and the explorations of [[Richard Franc...
  • In Sibylline oracles, can backlink Alexander the Great: ...bel; thinly veiled references to historical figures such as Alexander the Great and Cleopatra, as well as a long list of Roman Emperors; an...
  • In Macedonians, can backlink Alexander the Great: ...edonians was promoted by the Macedonian kings, particularly Alexander the Great, who regarded themselves as Greeks. The process of converge...
  • In Rise of Nations, can backlink Alexander the Great: .... The expansion added four historically themed campaigns - Alexander the Great, the Colonizing of America, Napoleon and the Cold War....
  • In Lysippos, can backlink Alexander the Great: ...rgos and Sikyon. Lysippos was also the personal sculptor of Alexander the Great. He produced according to the Pliny the elder, more than 15...
  • In Zulqarneyn, can backlink Alexander the Great: ...yrus]] The Great. Another possibility is that Zulqarneyn is Alexander the Great, who was often depicted with two rams' horns following his ...
  • In Greco-Bactrian Kingdom, can backlink Alexander the Great: ... going beyond the city of [[Alexandria Eschate]] founded by Alexander the Great in [[Ferghana]]....
  • In Reign (anime), can backlink Alexander the Great: ...released in 1997. A fantastic re-imagination of the life of Alexander the Great based on the novel by Hiroshi Aramata, Alexander was intend...
  • In Athenais, can backlink Alexander the Great: ...ais from [[Erythrae]]== a prophetess, living in the time of Alexander the Great, telling him about his divine descent (Strabo wrote about t...
  • In The Big Time, can backlink Alexander the Great: ...soldiers from the armies of Napoleon, Stalin, Ghengis Khan, Alexander the Great etc. etc. may find themselves fighting side-by-side or on o...
  • In Luigi Anichini, can backlink Alexander the Great: ...enice about 1550. Michelangelo pronounced his "Interview of Alexander the Great with the high-priest at Jerusalem," "the perfection of the ...
  • In Naomi Mitchison, can backlink Alexander the Great: ... Queen ([[1931]]), The Bull Calves ([[1945]]) and The Young Alexander the Great ([[1960]]); fantasy, such as Graeme and the Dragon ([[1954]...
  • In Women In Hinduism, can backlink Alexander the Great: ... ancient observers mentioned the barbaric practice of Sati. Alexander the Great and the Greeks observed Sati in Punjab [Onescrites in Strab...
  • In Andrea Verrochio, can backlink Alexander the Great: ... most beautiful thing. He also did two metal heads, one of Alexander the Great, in profile, the ...