About Me


My name is Lindsey Weingard and I am from Miami, Florida. I love basketball, playing guitar, and all things Disney. I am a student in Pratt School Of Engineering planning on majoring in environmental engineering at the moment, but that may change in the future. I am super happy at Duke, and I can't wait to see what else it has in store for me.

Name Pronunciation


I am more commonly referred to as "LW" or "Linz" by my friends, but my actual name is pronounced Lin-zee Wine-guard. I love nicknames, so if you can come up with a new one let me know!

Grand Challenge Articles


I read through the Grand Challenges Articles, and this was the most interesting to me.



[1] , Mark Allen Engineering Ltd (a Mark Allen Group company), The Engineer, 17 April 2019, accessed 30 September 2021 ( Provide Access to Clean Water )