
List of Prime-Ministers of Brazil

Portrait Name Term of Office Political Party Government composition Note President


Fernando Henrique Cardoso 1994 1998 4 Years PSDB FHC Cabinet I


FHC's success as Minister of Finance in the Itamar Franco Government, defeating hyperinflation and being considered the "father of the Plano Real", made him successful in the 1994 elections, making him the First Prime Minister of Brazil
Itamar Franco (MDB) (1992-2000)
1998 2002 4 Years FHC Cabinet II


The success of keeping inflation and prices under control made Fernando Henrique more popular and had a great electoral victory in the following elections.
José Serra (PSDB) (2002-2005)
Lula 2002 2005 3 Years PT Lula Cabinet I


With the crises of the blackout and the devaluation of the real, the opposition achieved victory in the 2002 elections, with Lula defeating FHC and becoming Prime Minister.
2005 2006 1 Year Lula Cabinet II


His coalition was dismantled and his cabinet was rebuilt with the 2005 Mensalão scandal, leading to a new coalition this time with physiologics and former pro-dictatorship parties.
Geraldo Alckmin (PSDB) (2005-2010)
2006 2010 4 Years Lula Cabinet III


The success of social programs such as Bolsa Família and economic progress meant that the image of Lula and his government were not affected by the corruption scandals, which made it possible for him to be re-conducted to the post of prime minister in 2006 and 2010, Left office after being diagnosed with cancer
Dilma Rousseff (PT)(2010-2011)
2010 2011 1 Year and 10 Months Lula Cabinet IV


Dilma Rousseff 2011 2012 1 Years and 7 Months Dilma Cabinet I


After the Prime Minister: Lula, left the office, the President Dilma Rousseff, wins the internal elections of PT, to replace him in the chief of Cabinet, the fall of First Cabinet ran because the approval of the return of Belo Monte Dam and the Project of Transposition of the São Francisco River.
Michel Temer (MDB) (2011-2015)
2012 2014 2 Years and 5 Months Dilma Cabinet II


Returning of the Old Lula Cabinet, and after the dispite of your high popularity, the PT vote dissipated into Regional and Religious candidates, make the opposition wins the election.
  Aécio Neves 2014 2016 2 Years and 6 months PSDB Aécio Cabinet I


Aécio takes the office in a economic crises and the Operation Car Wash rises up and become popular, after a downfall in your popularity and the allegations of dismantling Operation Car Wash, the first Cabinet falls.
Geraldo Alckmin (PSDB) (2015-2020)
2016 2018 2 Years and 6 months Aécio Cabinet II


The new cabinet format by the Old members of Dilma Cabinet kept the governement stable, but was not enough to make Aécio win the next elections and hold back the far right growth
Jair Bolsonaro 2018 2020 2 Years and 5 months PR Bolsonaro Cabinet


The Far-Right rises up in the country, and PR wins the election, after much internal discuss, the PSDB joint the Cabinet, in the Covid-19 Pandemic, Bolsonaro comes to attack the lockdown measures against the Covid-19 which caused the falls of your first Cabinet.
Flávio Bolsonaro 2020 2 months PR Failed to assemble a cabinet The son of Jair, Flávio Bolsonaro tried to lead the coordination between the pro-lockdown and anti-lockdown between his party and the alliance with the PSDB that gave rise to his government, he failed in this attempt
Arthur Lira 2020 2021 1 Year PR Lira Cabinet


Arthur Lira, a "Northeast Coronel" with a Closeness of the Jair, and moderate reputation since he's a former member of the PSDB, wins the internal election e makes a deal with PSDB and other parties.

His name generated controversy, as he was involved in corruption cases and criminal problems against his ex-girlfriend, generating protests from the most ideological wing of the PR and the former ally, Partido NOVO.

His cabinet fell for the Covaxin scandal, a corruption scheme linked to the purchase of vaccines

Lula (PT) (2020-2022)
Tarcísio de Freitas 2021 2 Months PR Failed to assemble a cabinet in The last attempt at government, the Minister of Infrastructure Tarcísio de Freitas was appointed, who was once a technical cadre without a party, despite his efforts, ended up failing to make the alliance with the PSDB and carrying out the third fall of the PR cabinet, passing the baton of formation to the PSDB (The Second Biggest Party in Parlament)
João Dória 2021 2022 1 Year and 3 Months PSDB Doria Cabinet


A Mega Coalition with 6 Parties make the Mayor of São Paulo: João Dória (PSDB), the Prime Minister, because the NOVO doesn't accept Aécio and Alckmin as a Prime-Minister

His Great management with Covid-19 and the place in government make the PSDB stable, but with a polarize election with PT and PR, he can't make his reelection as PM of Brazil

Lula 2022 Present Present PT Lula Cabinet V


With a 6 parties Coalition, the President Lula, is elect the PM of Brazil, his resignation of position as President to assume as Prime-Minister make the Vice-President, his former minister of Environment: Marina Silva (VERDE) assumes as a President of Brazil
Marina Silva (VERDES) (2022-2024)
After the election of 2024, Jair Bolsonaro assumes as a President of Brazil
Jair Bolsonaro (PR) (2024-Present)