Llywrch (at left) attends the November 2004 Seattle Wikipedia meetup

Llywrch (active wikipedian: November 4 2002—present) is a Wikipedian administrator. He lives in Portland, Oregon (of which he is a native) and writes mainly on topics related to classical antiquity.

Q: What is the origin of his user name?
A: From a response he gave another Wikipedian who asked --

My user name is kinda Welsh. I had to come up with a user name for my first ISP account (almost 15 years ago now!) in a few minutes, & took the first proper name that I saw on my bookshelf, from the book The Poetry of Llywarch Hen. "Llywarch" was one letter too long for my ISP, so I dropped the "a".
BTW no, I don't know how to pronounce it. I need someone fluent in Welsh to confirm that I pronounce the "ll" correctly. :)