WhatsHappeningToday.com® WhatsHappeningToday.com was founded by Steve Valencia a California residents. The company is currently headquartered in Pine Grove, California. It's website was under design concept in 2006 and design begin in 2010 by Steve Valencia being the soleproprietor.

Steve came up with the concept of and event site one evening after having attended a think tank discussion on "insurance and the internet." After the meeting was over there was dinner and more conversation. When this ended he wanted to find "something" to do. He wanted to go out and listen to a band in the Sacramento California area. If he could not find a band to listen to he wanted to go play darts or billards.

He approached the Hotel staff and asked if the knew how he could find any of these "events" taking place locally. After fifteen minutes of going from staff member to staff member, Steve, in frustration placed his hand on his hips while starting at a huge computer monitor and said aloud! "All I wanted to do was find out was 'What's Happening Tonight!" He then stomped off to his room in frustration and laid upon the bed drifting off to sleep.

While in his dream he as reliving the steps he took in asking the hotel staff for information on things to do. And, when he got to the part of his dream where he commented aloud he seen a group of singers at the end of his bed singing ".COM"

As soon as Steve arrived home he purchased the domain names of WhatsHappeningToday.com and WhatsHappeningTonight.com. Knowing not one line of html coding, graphics, php or any web building skills he endeavored to begin building site that will making finding currents events free and easy. Today 02/05/2016 Steve is focusing on the whatshappeningtoday.com site and when completed will work on the whatshappeningtonight.com site

On these event sites All users can register for free.. All Event postings are free. Creating a "group" is free. If a "category" for an event is not seen when a user visits the site they can make contact and ask that the category be added for free.

Someday Steve hopes to be able to visit places all around the globe and find events that are happening on his site.

WhatsHappeningToday.com has not gone public nor is it influenced by any outside investment firms.

Most of the earning from S Valencia's site will go to charity and job creation.