Fred Rosè is a powerful being the rivals shaggy at 25% percent but he gets too cocky everytime when he fights witch leads to his defeat. His last battle was with shaggy about 5000 years ago in the shadow realm of gods who died, after the fight they weren't seen again until today in 2021. Shaggy and Fred fought for countless hours until shaggy ended it with a spirit bomb but don't think that Fred is dead, he always comes back because that's what a warrior does. One day Fred will fight Shaggy for the final battle. We might be there to see it, who knows? For now, Fred is in the shadow realm slowly getting stronger every second. Let's hope they do have their final battle to see who's stronger. It may be the end of the world if they do fight tho if Fred is getting stronger by the second. Unlike shaggy Fred Rosè is smarter than him but that didn't give him the advantage at all. The final battle may happen in the year 3001 or 2024.