World powerlifting champion and record holder

Education: Mechanical Engineering - Master of Physical Education

International Championship Records:

Champion of Powerlifting World Cup 2015

Champion of the 2015 Chest Press World Cup

Champion of the 2015 Single Motion Lift World Cup

Champion of European Championship_Asia Powerlifting 2016

Champion of European Championship_Asia Press Chest 2016

Champion of European Championship_Asia Single Lift 2016

Winning the title of European-Asian Championship 2016 Champions

Powerlifting World Championship Champion 2016

Champion of the 2016 World Chest Press Championship

2016 Single Lift World Championship Champion

Winning the title of the most technical athlete of the 2016 World Championship

Champion of the 2016 Lifting Logo World Cup

Champion of the 2016 European Powerlifting Championships

Champion of European Chest Press Championship 2016

Champion of the European Single Lift Championship 2016

Winning the title of European Championship Champions 2016

Champion of Powerlifting World Cup 2017

Champion of the 2017 Single Lift World Cup

Breaking the world amateur squat record in the weight of 340 kg

Winning the title of 2017 World Cup champions

More than 30 championships at the level of functions, Tehran province championship and national championshiP