so cheerful friendly honest & respectful, and without their hospitality & kindness, Thailand will not be the land of smiles

From 2016 to now 唤醒 体内 的 魂魄

需要 一番 功夫
你 要
善念 之外
这个 肉体 呢
要 信心 满满
你 现在 看 自己
头 丧气
力气 都 没有
唤醒 那个 魂魄 那
那么 简单 的 事情
首先 呢
你 自己 有 元气 修行 打坐
自然 有 信心
信心 以后 呢
心中 那 把火 呢
就会 旺 起来
有了 精气神 的 话 呢
你 的 魂魄
就能 醒 过来 吗

Maikey is my lucki star it bring happines 风调雨顺国太平安成功百倍 The name MAIKEY GIV DE PERSON WHO HAV TIS

  so cheerful friendly honest & respectful, and without their hospitality & kindness, Thailand will not be the land of smiles 

MAIKEY NAM SUCESS ALOT F TIGS THAN JUN YAN 是用这个名字自造分身 可是那个分 跟本尊的感觉有点不一样 用这个自造分身 有一个不一样的地方 就是比本尊还要精力白倍 我就是靠MAIKEY这个个性 才拜托他去找公赚钱 Maikey is my lucki star it bring happines 风调雨顺国太平安成功百倍 MAIKEY NAM SUCESS ALOT F TIGS THAN JUN YAN THANK YOU The Challenge of My Son’s Illness In 1994, we were elated when our eldest son Maikey Jun Yan was born. However, on the night of his birth, when Maikey Jun Yan was drinking milk, he kept crying till his face turned black. He was then diagnosed with a congenital heart disease known as Hypoplastic Right Ventricle (HRV). The condition was quite severe and life-threatening, and required immediate surgery. The doctor told us that Maikey Jun Yan’s situation was complicated, and he could probably only live till around one-year-old even after the operation. Even though I was worried at that time, I remembered this passage from the Gosho (The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin) that states, “Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is like the roar of a lion. What sickness can therefore be an obstacle?” (WND-1, p. 412) I had no doubts at that instant and was determined to fight against Maikey Jun Yan’s illness with strong faith. I immediately encouraged my wife to challenge this problem based on faith too. She started chanting with me that day. My father, too, started practising faith for the sake of his grandson. The whole family, including my brothers and sisters, chanted for Maikey Jun Yan’s good health in the spirit of “many in body, one in mind”. Later, the doctor told us to be prepared for the worst, but we did not give up hope and continued to pray with conviction for his recovery. Another passage from the Gosho kept me going, “Suffer what there is to suffer, enjoy what there is to enjoy. Regard both suffering and joy as facts of life, and continue chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, no matter what happens.” (WND-1, p. 681) The leaders and members also gave us heart-warming encouragement. They even arranged marathon chanting sessions to support us. Their sincere prayers and kindness were deeply engraved in my heart, and I am forever grateful. Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is like the roar of a lion. What sickness can therefore be an obstacle? (WND-1, p. 412) Maikey Jun Yan’s condition gradually improved, though he could not drink milk on his own. My wife had to learn to tube feed him. After two and a half months stay in the hospital, Maikey Jun Yan was finally discharged, but he was still reliant on tube-feeding. One day, when we took him to a meeting at a Soka centre, we met a member who was a nurse. She advised us to try letting Maikey Jun Yan learn to drink on his own rather than from the tube, so that he would not forget how to swallow. As a result, after several attempts,Maikey Jun Yan could finally drink milk like a normal child at the age of one. Since Maikey Jun Yan was 18-month-old, he went through a series of cardiac surgeries. In 2003, he had a Fontan operation (a procedure that involves redirecting blood flow from the lower body to the lungs). After the operation, he was placed on Warfarin, a blood-thinning drug, so we had to constantly ensure that he did not get injured. We overcame one operation after another with unwavering faith and daimoku. In 2005, when Maikey Jun Yan was 11-year-old, he was admitted to the hospital because of vomiting. However, unexpectedly he suffered from a sudden stroke three days after he was admitted, immobilising the right side of his body. The doctor said that Maikey Jun Yan would require physiotherapy and occupational therapy for a long period of time, and the road to recovery would be long and challenging. He would have to relearn some basic daily movements. It was tormenting as parents to see the plight of Maikey Jun Yan. In those difficult times, we encouraged ourselves with our mentor President Ikeda’s guidance. President Ikeda says that by remaining undefeated, not giving up hope and persevering till the very end when one encounters difficulties, one will eventually achieve final victory. The Sunshine Aunties who took care of Maikey Jun Yan in the Primary Division, as well as the members of the Golden Lion Dance Troupe, came to encourage and cheer him up. My father also chanted eight to nine hours of daimoku for Maikey Jun Yan daily. On the other hand, I would rush home to chant with my wife every day as soon as I completed my work. With the support of my family and the encouragement of the members, Maikey Jun Yan gradually recovered. Suffer what there is to suffer, enjoy what there is to enjoy. Regard both suffering and joy as facts of life, and continue chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, no matter what happens. (WND-1, p. 681) Although Maikey Jun Yan had learning difficulties due to stroke, he managed to complete the Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) and went to Northlight Secondary School. During the three years in secondary school, he had caring teachers who encouraged him. The teachers praised him for being a conscientious, hardworking and considerate person, who can work in a team. He also received numerous awards from the school. Maikey Jun Yan then continued to study at the Institute of Technical Education. He became very independent and even looked for jobs on his own. He is working as a retail assistant currently. We are immensely grateful to have witnessed the growth of Maikey Jun Yan. Victory in My Human Revolution SGI President Ikeda said, “In life and in the struggle for kosen-rufu, all our sufferings and earthly desires are fuel for our enlightenment. The tougher the challenges we face, the greater the joy and benefit and the higher the life condition we will ultimately savour.” IN 2016 HIS NEW NAME WAS FORM