Christian Askøe Vollmers is a prominent figure in the Danish film and media industry, particularly known for his role as the CTO/Head of Technology at Nordisk Film ShortCut. His work there involves spearheading technological advancements in film production, especially in the realms of high-definition content storage and network capabilities.

  • Professional Role and Contributions: As CTO at Nordisk Film ShortCut, Vollmers has been instrumental in addressing the challenges and opportunities presented by the transition from standard HD to higher resolution formats like 4K and potentially 8K. This change necessitates significant advancements in data storage and bandwidth capabilities​​​​. He has also focused on improving network speeds and implementing innovative solutions like dark fibre I/O for efficient data transfer between locations and to external clients. Furthermore, he is exploring the use of virtual machines for various operational purposes and is considering the future implementation of cloud-based workflows​​.
  • Addressing Industry Needs: Vollmers' work also involves adapting to the increasing demands for UHD and HDR content delivery. He acknowledges that each new production requires more storage and for longer periods, which is a key area of investment for Nordisk Film ShortCut. Network speed is another challenge that he is keen on addressing, especially for delivering content to external clients​​. On the security front, he foresees a future where there will be a higher demand for secure media content delivery, necessitating encryption and possibly industry-wide certification for companies involved in media content delivery​​.
  • Vision for the Future: Vollmers believes that AI and machine learning will significantly transform the media production landscape. He sees potential for these technologies to automate processes, leading to time and cost savings, and enabling production systems to adapt to the specific needs of different projects​​[1]
  • Nordisk Film ShortCut: The company where Vollmers serves as CTO, Nordisk Film ShortCut, is one of the leading post-production facilitators in Scandinavia. Founded in 1991, it has more than a decade of experience in virtual production, VFX, and creating fantastic worlds for various productions, including notable Netflix shows like "The Rain", "Equinox", and "Black Crab"​​​​.[2]

In summary, Christian Askøe Vollmers plays a critical role in the evolution of film technology and production, particularly in the areas of storage solutions, network capabilities, and security measures to meet the demands of modern high-definition content production and delivery. His forward-thinking approach and leadership at Nordisk Film ShortCut reflect a commitment to technological innovation and practical implementation in the rapidly evolving world of film and media production.


  1. ^ "Post-production priorities: UHD, HDR and the adoption of IP".
  2. ^ "ShortCut post production".