MTS Class is a student-centric I.T. school that devotes it's time to ensure every student is well equipped to enter the professional world of I.T. and it's many facets. MTS currently offers two main courses Linux and Cyber Security.



Modest Technologies Solutions was founded by Jerry Follot in 2012. As a first-generation immigrant from Central Africa, Jerry came to America and witnessed the opportunities our great nation has to offer. Jerry worked hard in high school and earned himself a basketball scholarship which put him through college. Prior to starting MTS, Jerry attended Mid-Continent University in Kentucky and had a promising future as a professional basketball player. Due to a knee injury in 2011, Jerry was unable to pursue the game he loves and had to make a life-changing decision.

“While in college, I realized that I have a gift of making an impact on people’s lives and can help them better themselves, so I vowed to myself to assist everyone around me however I can.”

Jerry graduated from college in 2010 and moved back home. Upon graduation, Jerry, like many other students, was unable to find gainful employment. As a result, Jerry taught himself and a group of close friends different I.T. software and Operating Systems, such as Linux. After they had finished their training, they all went on to secure gainful employment. It was this very event through which MTS would be born, and Jerry would become a business owner.

Since, starting MTS Jerry has been able to assist friends, family, and most importantly the people in my community learn valuable IT skills. These skills have enabled the people around him to obtain great jobs in the public and private sectors and provide for their families.

"My love for my community and my commitment to changing their lives has allowed my company to grow from 5 people learning IT in my parents’ basement, to a state-of-the-art facility where over 300 people have completed my training and positively changed their lives."

