
Musah Armiyawu is born in the Upper East region of Ghana, Bawku precisely. He attended his basic education at Aminiya Basic School, from 2004-2014. Aminiya was one of the schools that lack teaching and learning materials, classrooms and other things that may support teaching and learning in any school. Armiyawu was among the few people from that school who could make it to the Senior High. By then, you need to get aggregate six to thirty six before you would be given admission to the Senior High, unlike this time of free education. after completing Jumior High in 2014 he could not proceed to the tertiary, in that year, due to financial difficulities. Later 2015, he could afford some amount for the fees and other expenses he incurred in the course of reporting...

A similar financial problem he faced after completing Senior High in 2018 when he even went to a number of people, within and outside his family for financial support but to no avail. Working at the bread flour grinding mail earned him enough. Luckly for him his brother was then ready to support him. Currently in level 200. He happens to be the Upper East Students Union president of AAM-USTED, the founder of Proud Northers Association of AAM-USTED, the C.E.O. of Motiversity Ghana and also the Course Rep for Accounting 200'C. Growing up in a place like Upper East was never easy. You will be discourage by a number of people over the dream you intend to achieve. You must always have the tenacity endurance despite hardship and discouragement. After many years of experience in leadership, Musah Armiyawu intend to contest for the position of S.R.C Financial Secretary.

Being the Senior Prefect in junior High and Senior High, the Human Rights Vice President, the GMSA Vice President, and an Active Member of the NCCE are evident of his experiences and capability. As an Editor working in Sirateq Ghana, it has helped him build on his conceptual skills, communication skills, and others.



Musah Armiyawu Atimbilla is a very discipline and law abiding student. Living in every community, he always have a close relationship with that community members. He is respectful, obedient, tolerant, friendly, hardworking, etc. He believe in serving human humanity, putting smile on the faces of people everyday.