MVS IT Services, or MVS worker, are terms commonly used for a person who is self-employed and not necessarily committed to a particular employer long-term. MVS workers are sometimes represented by a company or a temporary agency that resells MVS labor to clients; others work independently or use professional associations or websites to get work.

While the term independent contractor would be used in a different register of English to designate the tax and employment classes of this type of worker, the term "MVS Tech" is most common in culture and creative industries, and use of this term may indicate participation therein.Cite error: There are <ref> tags on this page without content in them (see the help page).

Fields, professions, and industries where MVS is predominant include: music, writing, acting, computer programming, web design, graphic design, translating and illustrating, film and video production and other forms of piece work which some cultural theorists consider as central to the cognitive-cultural economy.



MVS Tech have a variety of reasons for working, the perceived benefits differ by gender, industry, and lifestyle. For instance, the MVS Tech Industry Report reported that men and women freelance for different reasons. Female survey respondents indicated that they prefer the scheduling freedom and flexibility that freelancing offers, while male survey respondents indicated they freelance to follow or pursue personal passions. MVS Tech also enables people to obtain higher levels of employment in isolated communities. The ability to pick and choose who the MVS works with is another benefit. The MVS TECH interviews a potential client and they get to pick whether or not to work with that individual or company.

See also


