In mathematics, specifically in polytope theory, a zonotope is a convex polytope that saitsfies any of the following equivalent definitions:

  • is the affine projection of a cube .
  • is the Minkowski sum of finitely many line segments.
  • all faces of are centrally symmetric.
  • all 2-dimensional faces of are centrally symmetric.
  • all -faces of are centrally symmetric for some fixed .
  • the normal fan of is a central hyperplane arrangement (i.e. all hyperplanes pass through the origin). This is a belt polytope

All zonotopes are centally symmetric.

Special names for low-dimensional zonotopes are in use. A 2-dimensional zonotope is also called a zonogon, and a 3-dimensional zonotope is also called a zonohedron.

For a family of vectors , the generated zonotope is given by

Here the represent the line segments whose Minkowski sum makes up the zonotope.

Zonotopes form a hereditary family of polytopes, as all faces of a zonotope are again zonotopes. The dual of a zonotope of dimension is never a zonotope.

The Hausdorff limit of a sequence of zonotopes is a zonoid. It can be shown that the construction of projection bodies defines a bijection between the class of general centrally symmetric convex bodies and zonoids.



Zonotopes are very rich in structure as the Minkowski sum of any generic family of line segments defines a zonotope. There are however some especially well known zonotopes.

  • Every centrally symmetric polygon is a zonotope.
  • The  -cube   is a zonotope.
  • Every prism with a centrally symmetric base is a zonotope.
  • More generally, the Minkowski sum of two zonotopes is a zonotope.
  • The permutahedron is a zonotope in every dimension. In dimension three this is the truncated octahedron. More generally, W-permutahedra (where W is a reflection group) are zonotopes. These are also known as omnitruncated uniform polytopes.



Any polytope that is not centrally symmetric or has a face that is not centrally symmetric, such as any Platonic solid other than the cube. Note that a polytope is necessarily already a zonotope if all its  -dimensional faces are centrally symmetric for  . The 24-cell is a polytope all whose facets are centrally symmetric, yet it is not a zonotope.

Zonotopes as Minkowski sums


Faces of zonotopes


Given a finite set   of vectors. Let   be the generated zonotope.

The faces of   are in one-to-one correspondene with the so-called flats of  .


  • Maximal number of faces of generic zonotope etc.

Many open problems are either simple or have been solved for zonotopes.

  • The combinatorics of a zonotope can be reconstructed from tis edge graph.
  • A zonotope (other than a parallelepiped) can be covered by (4/3)^n smaller copies of itself.
  • Kalai's 3^d conjecture is trivial for zonotopes.
  • Mahler's conjecture is proven for zonotopes.

Volume Computation


Equivalence of definitions


Zonotopes, hyperplane arrangements and matroids


Zonotopes relate to general polytopes as matroids relate to oriented matroids.

Fix a zonotope   defined from the set of vectors   and let   be the   matrix whose columns are the  . Then the vector matroid   on the columns of   encodes a wealth of information about  , that is, many properties of   are purely combinatorial in nature.

For example, pairs of opposite facets of   are naturally indexed by the cocircuits of   and if we consider the oriented matroid   represented by  , then we obtain a bijection between facets of   and signed cocircuits of   which extends to a poset anti-isomorphism between the face lattice of   and the covectors of   ordered by component-wise extension of  . In particular, if   and   are two matrices that differ by a projective transformation then their respective zonotopes are combinatorially equivalent. The converse of the previous statement does not hold: the segment   is a zonotope and is generated by both   and by   whose corresponding matrices,   and  , do not differ by a projective transformation.

Zonotopes and tilings




Zonohedron is the specific name for a 3-dimensional zonotope. It derives from the word "polyhedron", which some authors use specifically for 3-dimensional polytopes.

Types of Zonohedra




Inscribed zonotopes


It is easy to construct inscribed zonotopes in dimension two. Every regular  -gon is an inscribed zonotope. In higher dimension this is much more restrictive. Besides cubes and prisms over 2-dimensional inscribed zonotopes, further examples are provided by some uniform polytopes. More precisely, one can choose use certain generic orbit polytopes of reflection groups.

excluding prisms, there seem to exist exactly 17 inscribed zonotopes in dimension three. These are constructed as projections of higher-dimensional uniform inscribed zonotopes along faces. They also correspond to certain simplicial hyperplane arrangement, which are also very rare. However, not every simplicial hyperplane arrangement gives rise to an inscribed polytope.



