Proposed outline for Fluency page


Fluency (definition)

  • Definition(s) of Fluency
  • Fluency is one part of language proficiency (along with accuracy and complexity)

Types of Fluency

  1. Reading Fluency - silently reading fluently
    1. Alignment of research on three areas: components: accuracy, automaticity, and prosody, but four potential definitions:
  2. Oral Fluency - speaking fluently
  3. Oral Reading Fluency - reading out loud fluently
  4. Written Fluency? - also called compositional fluency? Or is this different? Prob same

Fluency in second language acquisition


Speech Language Pathology

Maybe something on how fluency develops? Not sure if this would overlap with types or SLA.

Fluency assessments? - there are so many. We could just list and link?