Subdivisions of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland


Flag Arms Name Population Area Languages Capital
N/A N/A Scottish Highlands TBA TBA English, Scottish Gaelic Inverness
    Scottish Lowlands TBA TBA English, Scots Edinburgh
N/A N/A The Hebrides TBA TBA English, Scots, Scottish Gaelic Stornoway
  Orkney TBA TBA English, Scots, Nynorn Kirkwall
  Shetland TBA TBA English, Scots, Nynorn Lerwick
    Northern Ireland TBA TBA English, Ulster Scots Belfast
    London TBA TBA English London
N/A N/A The West Country TBA TBA English Plymouth or Bristol
  N/A Yorkshire
"God's Own Province" - liar
TBA TBA English York
    Sussex TBA TBA English Brighton and Hove