Mahyar Hemati was born in 16 July 1985 in Rasht (a city in north of Iran) He started music at the age of thirteen with self-taught playing of classical guitar and music theory. He attended Tehran Conservatory in the field of composition in 2008 but he left his studies there in 2010 and continued his musical career and educations as self-taught, besides some private courses.

His first Album includes classical guitar’s standard repertoire, which is called “Najva”,was published by Mahriz Recording in 2009. After leaving the conservatory, He continued his educations and musical career by personal researching and self-taught studying on ancient Iranian music and western contemporary music. In 2012, he participated in a classical guitar workshop in Finland (Sibelius academy) under Dr. Jukka Savijoki and a composition workshop (focusing on spectral music) under Dr.Rakel Tikkanen. In 2012 he has recorded his second album “Goorah” which includes various pieces by Iranian contemporary composers, published by “Arqanoon Records” in Iran and “Suddenly Listen” foundation in Canada. He has been invited to some festivals abroad such as Parma music festival (United States- 2014)and Snim music festival (Austria- 2015) as the guest composer and recieved commissions from ensembles and performers such as Contempora Ensemble (Macedonia) Georgia Modern Ensemble (Georgia) Tania Sikeliano (Greece) and...etc.

In 2016, he has won the second prize in the orient/occident international composition competition (Ukraine) for his piece “Voyage” for violin and orchestra (no first prize winner was assigned) and took place in a composition and conducting masterclass by Prof. Ferdinando Nazzaro. In 2018, His composition for string orchestra “Requiem for the Past” has won the second prize (no first prize winner was assigned) in Musica per Archi international composition competition in Ukraine. In 2019, he has publishied his third album “Mimesis” by Pardis Records which includes his chamber and orchestral works.In 2020, Mimesis has been selected as the best classical album by the Iran house of music. In 2021, this album has won the first priz in Fajr International Festival in Iran (barbad prize) but he refused to accept the award as an objection, due to the fact that this festival is holding by the Islamic government as the part of their propaganda which it was against his political views and humanistic values.