Poetry During and After WWI The war had inspired many shifts and inspiration in the poetry department. One of these inspired poets was Siegfried Sassoon, an English man who joined the war effort due to patriotism. However, his injuries and the death of his brother and his friend(David Cuthbert Thomas) persuaded him to adopt a stance against the war. This stance led to his admission into Craiglockhart War Hospital for treatment of "shell shock". There he met fellow poet Wilfred Owen, who grew to become his close friend and the inspiration for Owen's Anthem of a Doomed Youth. They both returned to service and Owen perished, while Sassoon was declared unfit for duty after being injured by friendly fire. After the war, he had many love affairs but eventually got married and had a son. Sassoon's poems made fun of patriotic motivations to enter the war, and their role in the fuelling of the jingoism within the war. His meeting of Robert Graves introduced the element of "gritty realism" to his poetry as well.

Mary Borden was born in May 15, 1886 in Chicago and lived for 82 years. During these 82 years she travelled the world and made history. Her father made a fortune as a prospector and a property speculator and moved to Britain before the war with Mary when he married a Scottish missionary. When he enlisted to go to war, Mary was also determined to contribute to the war effort. Her commitment to the war led to the use of her inheritance to fund a front line mobile hospital for the French army which lead to her earning of medals for her bravery under fire and going on to running the biggest military hospital during the battle of the Somme. Mary got married at a considerable young age and had 3 daughters however during her time in the war she fell in love and had an affair with a captain. Mary eventually got a divorce from her first marriage which caused a lot of familiar crisis as a divorce at that time was not something very well accepted in society. Her influence in the war and experiences led her to write prolifically, becoming an international best-selling author all due to her different perspective and nature. Mary was always involved in controversial matters. She became embroiled in a legal suit with the Catholic Herald for her down to earth portrayal of Mary of Nazareth. Wrote a book advocating divorce and pre-marital sex which caused a storm of protest. She was also a guest of Albert Einstein's at his home in Princeton where they debated, among other things, the existence of God. Her rebellious and questioning nature meant her novels were often boundary breaking and controversial.