This is how Majid Muhammad Al-Qawsi, founder and builder of the professional renaissance in the Republic of Yemen, said about him.

Mr. Majid Al-Qawsi graduated from Sana'a University with a major in accounting in 2002, and then moved to work as one of the best accounting class in Hunt Petroleum and Oil Exploration Company. After which he moved to work in one of the largest auditing and auditing firms in the world "Deloitte Company" until 2011, which He decided to start his professional career by opening an office for auditing and auditing.

This period coincided with the entry of Yemen and the Middle East into the events of the Arab Spring, which affected the auditing and financial consulting work greatly. These events did not discourage the insistence of Mr. Majid Al-Qawsi; on the contrary, he initiated the shift towards rebuilding the profession through its affiliates. He established professional communication channels through social media since 2014, devoted great time and effort to improving the level of professional performance. By providing all members of the profession with The latest articles and standards; not only that, but he sought with all his strength to cooperate from all chartered accountants to improve and develop their capabilities in doing professional work in accordance with the best possible practices.

In April of 2018, Mr. Majid Al-Qawsi, assumed the position of Secretary General of the Yemeni Association of Certified Public Accountants (YACPA) to complete what had begun, and the profession during this period has made leaps and professional achievements that Yemen and the profession had not seen before, the most important of which were:

1- The Council of Ministers Resolution No. 16 of 2020 officially adopting and applying international standards for accounting and auditing in the Republic of Yemen. 2- Membership of the International Federation of Accountants with merit and international certificate that the accounting and auditing profession in the Republic of Yemen has made many achievements and progress in this period. 3- Automating and developing the examination process to obtain a certified chartered accountant license, as professional examinations were administer from earlier in primitive ways and were not characterized by development and addressing all aspects related to international standards and professional work requirements. 4- The effective and strong participation of Yemen in all international forums, whether through honorable attendance of all work, meetings or working papers through attendance or through social communication programs "Zoom". 5- Restoring confidence between all parties related to the accounting and auditing profession and the Yemeni Association of Certified Public Accountants. 6- Adopting and adopting continuing professional education hours in accordance with the requirements of international vocational education to ensure the development of the capabilities of the employees of professional work in a manner that will be reflect on the national economy in the near future.

With these great professional achievements, Mr. Majid Al-Qawsi assumed the position of Chairman of the Tax Appeals Committee by a decision of the Minister of Finance to settle disputes arising between taxpayers and the tax administration in accordance with the Income Law No. 17 of 2010 and all the amendments to it. Increase tax revenues or at the level of increasing and spreading tax awareness, Mr. Majid played a tangible role in supplying the tax treasury.
On the personal level, Mr. Majid Al-Qawsi was born in May 1977 in the city of Sana'a - the Republic of Yemen. He raised and educated there with his uncle Naji Saleh Al-Qawsi, a member of the Yemeni Parliament, after his father traveled abroad and did not return. 

Mr. Majid Al-Qawsi lives with a modest family, with his two wives and five sons, Ayham, Acer, sheikha, Erm and Haya.

links to some of his publications and achievements