Maharani Zeba Zayan.

Born on 25/05/2004 (twenty fifth January two thousand four) Zeba Zayan (aka.Maharani) is the rightful Queen of a small Town named Jobola located in the state of Kerala,India.

The Jobola Dynasty was one of the most well established Dynasties of the early 1800s under the rule of King Shohar Mouzik Zayan (Raja) who was the first ruler/ founder of this Kingdom. The Jobola Dynasty came to an end quickly after the British Invasion in India. During this time the last ruler Rida bin Zoeb took Refuge in Tamil Nadu to secure his off springs from the terrors of the Britishers in Kerala. Zeba Zayan is the 6th Descendant of King Shohar Mouzik Zayan. Rumoured to be located in Tamil Nadu.