carboxylic acids having other function group in there molecules are called substituted acids. E.g.,

hydroxyacids (R-CH|OH-COOH)


Login and Environment

Required version of Safe Browser (2.4.1) must be installed on the Laptop. If any other version of Safe Exam Broswer is installed, please un-install it and dowload, install version 2.4.1

After Installing the Safe Exam Browser, Download the File and Double Click to Start the Exam Students must have stable internet connection preferably with UPS backup Webcam is mandatory. Without camera examination will not start. Student must have peaceful environment and No one should be around the students at the time of Examinations. If anyone else found around the student, the examination of the student will not be considered valid and stand cancelled. Students are required to Login at least 15 minutes before the start of Examinations. How to Attempt MCQs and SEQs:

Each Paper / Exam is of 80 minutes’ duration having 50 MCQs and 02 short Questions. Students are required to attempt ‘50’ MCQs in first 60 minutes and ‘02’ Short Questions in next ‘20’ minutes. Every short question will be submitted automatically after 10 minutes What if Paper / Exam Remains Incomplete due to any technical reason:

If any student gets stuck due to electricity and could not login at the time of examinations, he will be required to email immediately to the Head of Department and Controller of Examinations mentioning his inability / hardship. His/her online examination will be rescheduled at the end of examinations in the second phase. If students’ session / examinations terminates due to any technical reason, he will be allowed to login again on resumption of his internet / electricity only if it happens with in examinations allotted time and his examination will resume from where it was terminated. Otherwise, he will be required to email immediately to the Head of Department and Controller of Examinations mentioning his inability