


Due to the increasing price of electricity, and development of affordable automated appliances and home systems to improve lifestyle of users, inspire many homeowners to convert their homes to a smart home.   Smart Home Technology is the general term given to basic home appliances and systems that enables the user to automate or control remotely through interconnected internet.  Such home appliances like TV, sound system, washing machines, refrigerators, cookers, vacuum cleaners, home entertainment systems, home security systems, air-conditioning system, and home lighting system.  A few of these, do not require electricity to work, but use solar energy to charge battery and enable the user to customize performance.  The process of converting home to a smart home could be expensive upfront, but is equally rewarding knowing that the owner has a sense of security by controlling some if not all of home systems remotely, use the appliances efficiently by lowering energy costs, raise the value of home, and have an eco-friendly and cost-friendly home using the latest advanced technology.