Amethyst (Steven Universe)


Amethyst is a fictional character from the animated series Steven Universe, created by Rebecca Sugar, and voiced by Michaela Dietz. She is a "Gem," a fictional alien being that exists as a magical gemstone projecting a holographic body. Amethyst is a strong, emotional character that often serves as comedic relief throughout the series.



Amethyst is a member of the Crystal Gems, alongside Garnet, Pearl, and Steven. Their team is a group of Gems that work to protect planet Earth from monsters and alien invaders, mostly from their home planet. Amethyst is the youngest of the Crystal Gems, aside from Steven. Her amethyst gem stone is in her chest, which speaks to how emotional she is. Her rebellious and hedonistic personality often cause her to operate on impulse, though she feels for her teammates deeply.

Amethyst is unlike the older gems in many ways. She often partakes in eating food or garbage, despite the fact gems do not need to consume anything for survival. She also utilizes her shape-shifting abilities in battle, or just for fun. Her child-like personality and crude sense of humor allow for a close relationship with the young Steven. Late in the first season, Amethyst reveals to Steven that she was created on Earth as part of a gem invasion mission, the Kindergarten Project. Even later in the series, Amethyst discovers the Kindergarten produced her malformed; as a Quartz warrior, she was meant to be three times her size. This gives Amethyst some self-esteem issues, and she is constantly struggling with how the other gems may perceive her. She often sets out to prove her strength and worth to both her team and herself.