Of all the places to store and access information, Wikipedia is one of the best. It's not the easiest to work with but it's so popular that I think the effort to learn how to contribute is worth it.

My interests include evolution, geology, paleontology, biology, and the so called evolution/creation controversy. I was a YEC in the late 80's until I took a geology course in university. For a few months I was an ID advocate but as of late 1997 I fully accept the standard theory of evolution.

I have a theology degree (B.Th. - 1985) from a conservative bible college and an engineering degree (B.A.Sc. - mechanical engineering - 1995) from the University of Toronto. Since the early 1990's I have been reading evolution/creation literature - still a long way from an expert however. I'm not a trained scientist (engineering is applied science - big difference from theoretical science) but I try to think like one.

Although I have a theology degree, much of what I was taught I no longer accept as true. The process of getting that theology degree does help however in an ongoing search for truth.

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Wikipedia user since August 2011.