A Yip in its natural habitat.
For the online humor site, see YIP.

The Yip is the most fearsome creature known to man. It keeps all those unfortunate enough to have to deal with it up in the middle of the night, and it shows its love for them by peeing all over their house and taking a shit on the carpet. Nothing on the face of the planet has ever been known to stop a Yip.

Horrifying things Yips commonly do

  • Yip. Loudly.
  • Bark.
  • Growl.
  • Bite.
  • Scratch.
  • Yip.
  • Keep yipping.
  • Pee.
  • Shit.
  • eat there own shit
  • Eat.
  • Eat owners out of house and home.
  • Yip.
  • Yip louder.
  • Lick itself.
  • lick your penis
  • Yip some more.
  • And so on...

How to spot a Yip


Yips are typically small, white and furry. They rarely have tails, and they are only available from certified Yip breeders. A Yip may sometimes be confused with a toy poodle.
