

Hello. Welcome to my Wiki...thingy. Lemme start by saying, this ain't an essay, so dun expect me to have certain topics in a certain paragraph. If it seems kinda random and crappy... oh well. English never was my best subject. >_>

My name is Jordan. I am 18. And I am of African American/Native American (Choctaw)/Spanish/French descent. I dun really have very interests, or anything interesting about myself to say. Not anything I can think of anyways. I'm uh... currently in High School, going through as painlessly as I can... I could say the same about my life.

I like to laugh usually at other's expense, and I can find enjoyment in even the most boring arduous situations. If you see me outside of school, I'm likely to be smiling, even when nothing is going on. I dun get angry very easy, unless something is going on with my friends, and I feel the need to step in and do something about it. I also, dun get annoyed easy, either, but if I am annoyed, you'll know it. Aside from all that, I've been described as a very nice person, loving, caring, sweet, and all that. Which for the most part is true. I mean, if I have a friend who is in need of money, I lend it to them, I pay for lunch for my friends on occasion, and I usually dun expect payback. I'm a peaceful person, kind of a perfectionist, and a bit of a showoff, but my bad qualities dun even come close to outweighing my good ones.

I seem to have a great time as long as I'm not alone, but you can expect some awkward silences unless I know you very well. No big deal. I dun really talk a lot and some people seem to think that's rather annoying, but whatever. I dun really talk when it's necessary... if you were to see me in class, you'd know what I mean. The few friends I do have, I cherish them and hold them dearly. I can be a really good friend, and I'll be willing to kick the ass of anyone who hurts my friends in any way. I love all of my friends except for a certain few dearly.

I live an okay life, trying the best I can to stay a good person, but I do fail at that sometimes. I try to remain a good man. I often spend most of my time alone, staring out my window feeling the breeze come through as it often does... I also sleep a lot. I sometimes just lay around outside on sunny days. I'm mostly outside when it's windy or raining, though. ...Anyways.

As far as hobbies and crap like that goes, I guess I'm into drawing and writing. I've been drawing since I was four years old, but didn't get serious until I was about 14, filling up (or trying to) empty books with drawings which I hoped to publish later on in life. ...But then I kinda... stopped drawing a few months ago. I still do an occasional project or two, filling a page with drawings of people in a the old manga I used to work on... Now, I mostly draw people in real life situations... or not. I'll update my bulletins containing my recent proects later. Although, I have only been writing since about the seventh grade, I think that I can get further in life as a writer than an artist/manga artist. I seem to be decent at storyboards and writing novels. My favorite kinds of novels to write are mainly romances. <3 Although, I've started doing fanfictions. I've recently started one for Ragnarok Online, although it will have nothing to do with the whole Norse mythology thing. For the most part, its about-- You know what? Never mind. >_> Maybe when it's done I'll post it here.

I absolutely love music. Anything you wanna force me to listen to, I'll end up liking it, trust me. I listen to generally all types of music, from any country, as long as it's not annoying. And it takes a lot to annoy me.

Mm... I dunno what else to say about me... Like I said, you shouldn't really expect much. I'ma go... do something else.

I may be doing some more updating later... until then, enjoy your stay, or whatever.

Actually, looking back, I guess I did write a bit too much. D=

Personal Information


Actual Name: Jordan N. Pearce.

Sex: Male.

Relationship?: Yes, engaged. :o

Ethnicity: African American, Native American, Spanish (like from Spain), French, and Haitian.

Age: 18 years.

Date of Birth: August 19, 1989

Height: 6'0" [182.88cm]

Weight: 158lbs. [71.732kg]

Place of Birth: Camp Pendleton, California.

Current Location: Murrieta, California.

Education: GOIN' 2 COLIDGE YO.

Occupation: Student, Doujinshika, Freelance Writer, Basic Mechanic.

Other Information


Nickname: "Marusu"

Hobbies: Writing, Drawing, Gaming, Roleplaying.

Likes: Girls, Ragnarok Online, Chocolate Pocky, Sleeping.

Dislikes: Stupid people. And many other things.

To my Love ♥


[In progress]

Contact Information


Cell: lol Yeah right.


AIM: MarusuXIII [Never used anymore.]


Current Projects


Writing a narrative of my life on Ragnarok Online, "the Final Øverture."

Working on a forum site for my Spiritus Ragnarok Online guild, "Final Overture."

And I do a few random drawings... Gave up on my old manga. .-.


.:†the Final Øverture Forums†:. [I can't link you to it because apparently it's "Blacklisted" by Wiki. Lol, lame.

Marusu's Photobucket New...ish?

Marusu's Myspace

Marusu's WRETCH Album and Blog