User comment This is a broad draft of high level points. These are all points that can be sourced directly at the current Gamergate controversy article (including anything that could be taken as a BLP, but for purposes of high level, keeping to the broadest statement)


  • Definition: Controversy around the actions of an unorganized movement, frequently overshadowed by campaign of misogynstic harassment towards female devs/critics in VG industry.


  • Long-standing misogyny/sexism/immaturity in industry prior to 2014
    • Prior harassment from gamers in industry (a couple here, including Infinity Ward dev after nerfing COD gun)
    • Video games as an art form / Impact of Brown v. EMA SCOTUS ruling - maturing of industry

In 2011, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled in Brown v. Entertainment Merchants Ass'n that video games are covered as protected speech under First Amendment, striking down a California law that would have restricted sales of violent video games to minors. While the case was declared a victory for the video game industry, it was also seen as a sign that the industry needed to mature away from games targeting only puerile interests; Seth Schiesel of the New York Times proposed that the Court's decision should be a challenge to the industry, questioning "Will you use it as cover to pump out schlock or will you rise to the opportunity and respectability that has been afforded you?"[1]

The gaming industry began become more reflective of the content it produced. With greater availability of social media, critics began to express to evaluate content of games as a statement about what the industry was and proposed that game developers and artists produce more thoughtful games. Game journalists began to look towards indie games that, due to their smaller funding models, are able to take risks on content and explore ideas and concepts not typically found in major AAA-games; journalists sometimes eschewed major AAA releases to focus on these smaller games. Many gamers took these changes in the industry as calls for censorship of the industry to eliminate violent or sexist games, and began to counter with harsh criticism and engaging in organized harassment and other means to attack these critics, such as using copyright claims to take down such videos.[2]

    • Changing demographics/rise of mobile games and broader audiences
  • Previous journalism "scandals" - Gerstmann-gate, Doritosgate, etc.

==History of GG controversy==

Pre-August 2014


Zoe Quinn and Depression Quest

  • Quinn already ridiculed and targetted on non-Steam release
  • Further issues with DQ's release on Steam
  • IRC logs showing organized effort to harass her pre-August 2014

Anita Sarkeesian and Tropes vs. Women


Anita Sarkeesian is a feminist media critic that launched her website Feminist Frequency in 2009 to write on modern media and popular culture from a feminist standpoint. In 2011, she partnered with Bitch to launch a six-episode video series, Tropes vs. Women, exploring how several female-orient stereotypes and tropes have been used in media, particularly in the area of science fiction.[3][4] Following this, Sarkeesian launched a Kickstarter campaign in June 2012 to create a similar series, Tropes vs. Women in Video Games. The campaign was successful, but it drew the attention of many gamers using sites like 4chan who subjected her and the campaign to a series of misogynistic comments and harassment.[5]

August 2014


The Gjoni Post and resulting actions

  • Reasons for Gjoni's posting (from Boston Magazine article), including claims from press that Gjoni posted it purposely to incite
  • Two simultaneous results:
    • Those looking to harass Quinn had something to use, and began harassment campaign (collaborative with logs obtained by ArsTech)
    • Issue of timing Nathan Grayson's relationship with Quinn and coverage of GAME JAM article ("quinnspiracy") - start of ethical questions posed in vitriolic manner to social media; Kotaku's rebuttal.
  • Several speak to defend Quinn; doxxing of Phil Fish/Polytron

Anita Sarkseeian/Tropes vs Women

  • Brief summary of TvW series, including past criticism of her analysis
  • Release of TvW episode shortly after Gjoni post
  • Both criticism and harassment towards Anita follows

September 2014 - "Death of Gamers" and the coining of "Gamergate"

  • Dozen+ articles by journalists condemning actions of last several days
  • Coining of phrase Gamergate by Adam Baldwin
  • Movement questioned as "Ethics in journalism" vs misogynstic campaign
    • Analysis of social media at this point

October 2014 - USU threats, Brianna Wu

  • USU threats towards Anita's talk
  • Brianna Wu now targeted by harassment
  • Generally complete dismissal of movement's "ethics" angle by media

November 2014 onward - Ongoing harassment

  • Other harassment (eg Felicia Day, etc.)
    • Ongoing methods used for harassment (doxxing, opposition research)
    • Formation of anti-harassment groups (Anita's, etc.)
  • Counter harassment towards pro-GG
    • GG meeting disruption/Airplay



Apparent organization

  • 4chan to Reddit/8chan
  • Size based on Reddit
  • Noted GG supporters


  • "Objective reviews"
  • Disclosures, etc.
  • Consumer revolt


  • Denouncing of harassment/self-patrolling
  • GameJournPro list
  • Vivian James/TFYC
  • Operational Disrespectful Nod/etc.

Criticisms of movement

  • Refusal to dissociate from GG name
  • Refusal to organize

Responses to controversy


Gaming media

  • Broad condemnation
  • Some change in disclosure policy

Gaming industry

  • Note that this is general silence in a broad stroke save for some specific cases (eg Sony)
    • Criticism of large developers not speaking out against GG

Social media companies

  • Twitter/etc. accused of not doing enough, adjust methods to affect change
  • Randi Harper/CrashOverride
  • 4chan/Poole's departure

Mainstream media

  • Generally broad condemnation

Conservative media

  • General support of GG
  • Eg Brietbart/Milo
  • Perceived media bias


  • Christian Hoff Sommers/others
  • Counterpoints from others (see DIRGA)


  • Not sure if have anything here, might not be possible.

Law enforcement and legislation

  • Difficulties in policing harassment
  • SCOTUS harassment case near start of this making it difficult to classify harassmen
  • Rep. Clark's involvement and proposed legislation to help combat harassment


  • Sad/Rabid Puppies/Hugo awards
  • 2016 SXSW/Obama comment



(Why this happened on hindsight)

  • Part of larger social conflict
  • Result of long-term sexism/Misogyny
  • Loss of gamer identity to broader demographics
  • L&USVU/other shows
  • GTFO
  • "ethics in video game journalism" as meme
  1. ^ Schiesel, Seth (2011-06-28). "Supreme Court Has Ruled; Now Games Have a Duty". New York Times. Retrieved 2011-06-28.
  2. ^ Rouner, Jef (January 14, 2016). "Gamers Have Become the New Religious Right". Houston Press. Retrieved May 9, 2016.
  3. ^ Dean, Paul (May 31, 2013). "Tropes vs Women in Video Games: Why It Matters". IGN. Retrieved September 19, 2013.
  4. ^ Williams, Mary Elizabeth (June 14, 2012). "Lara Croft battles male jerks". Salon.
  5. ^ Lewis, Helen (June 12, 2012). "Dear The Internet, This Is Why You Can't Have Anything Nice". New Statesman. Retrieved May 9, 2016.