Matanda Peter Wandeka is Ugandan Academisian and Agro Business Person. He was born on 01/10/1982 in Bunanyama Village, Bugobero Sub county Mbale District (now Manafwa) in Eastern Uganda. He is a 4th born of 9 children to Mr. Difasi Wandeka (RIP) and Mrs. Mary Nabwana (RIP)

Education: Matanda Started school in 1990 at Nakhupa Primary a rule school next to his village. In 1999, joined Bugobero High School for Ordinary certificate and in 2004 attained Advanced level certificate. In 2005, joined Makerere University for a Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication. In 2019, went back to Makerere for an MBA in Business Administration (Majoring in project Management)

Work Life: 2008 - 2009 Radio Host of a Youth program(focusing on Communication for social change and reproductive health among the youth) 2010 - National service 2011 - Current, Working for Saraya Manufacturing