I live in Tenerife. I've collaborated with Wikipedia fixing some articles but mainly with my photos, sometimes other people have found my works online and they have used: thanks, is great to feel useful. In the future I'de like to write and improve some articles.

Since I knew about Creative Commons I believe in Free Culture.

I like photography. I maintain a Flickr site, licensed with Creative Commons, most of the photos about Tenerife, Canary Islands, and fields of my interest: art, social issues, ecology. Here is the albums page, You can also search into theCollecctions If you need a photo you can't find, ask me, I'll try.

Right now I'm focused in comics like my Espinita project and environment and ecology You can explore more about my work at Liferfe.

I'm a resident at Second Life, si quieres verme allĂ­, escrĂ­beme.

Mail: [email protected]

Part of "Book's limbo", a story from Espinita