
MACV-SOG Command Control South Unit Application


Information and instructions: The following is an application for entrance into the Military Assistance Command, Vietnam’s Studies and Observations Group with all successful candidates to be assigned to Command and Control South due to astronomically high casualty rates amongst SOG personnel. Those assigned CCS will then be assigned to either a Strike Reconnaissance Team, Hatchet Force or SLAM Company.

Instructions for the application: Answer all questions to the best of your ability. There are no minimum sentence requirements on any of the questions. Answer all questions with correct grammar and punctuation. Answer all questions truthfully and honestly; purgers will have their application automatically revoked. Do not leave any question blank; applicants who fail to answer any question(s) will have their application automatically revoked. Answer all questions in the space provided below the question. Do not discuss your application with any of the application team/SOG Leadership.

Submit it to the #application-submittal channel.

There are 4 sections of this application, complete them all. Good luck. Basic Information: Roblox name? [ANSWER HERE] Discord name? [ANSWER HERE] Roblox profile link? [ANSWER HERE] VWRP rank? [ANSWER HERE]

Historical Questioning Explain the reasoning behind the use of indigenous mercenaries by SOG on cross-border missions into Laos, North Vietnam and Cambodia. [ANSWER HERE] Along with sterile unmarked uniforms, what other precautions did SOG personnel take when on cross-border reconnaissance operations to prevent their connection to the United States being formed? [ANSWER HERE] Explain the logic behind the use of soviet-block weaponry by both American and Indigenous personnel when on cross-border operations. [ANSWER HERE] What advantages did the XM177 (CAR-15 Commando) provide to the SOG personnel who operated it compared to an alternative such as the M16 or M16A1? [ANSWER HERE] What sort of operations did OP-35 RT’s undertake during the Vietnam war and what was the purpose of said types of operations? [ANSWER HERE] Explain some of the methods deployed by the NVA to counter OP-35 RTs [ANSWER HERE] Why was the CIA forced to hand over control of its covert action operations, including SOG, to the Department of Defense? [ANSWER HERE] Explain why MACV-SOG was the only American unit permitted to operate within Laos and Cambodia during the Vietnam War? [ANSWER HERE]

Roleplay Questioning Give a basic explanation of how to roleplay. [ANSWER HERE] Explain what meta-roleplay is and provide an example of it in everyday roleplay. [ANSWER HERE] Explain what powerplay is and provide an example of it in everyday roleplay. [ANSWER HERE] Explain your favourite and least favourite method of roleplay. [ANSWER HERE]

Roleplaying Scenarios For the following questions, you are to answer, in-character, roleplaying each of your actions.

You are a Special Forces Sergeant in a MACV-SOG Strike Recon Team, leading a team of 5 indigenous mercenaries and a fellow American through the Laotion jungles. Your team contains two grenadier's, one machine gunner and a radioman with the rest, including you, being automatic rifleman armed with CAR-15's. During your patrol, you encounter a counter-recon patrol of 2 platoons of NLF. Explain how you would react to the initial engagement to deter any overwhelming by your enemy. [ANSWER HERE]

You are a One-Zero who has led your 12-man RT, consisting of a grenadier, machine gunner and radio man with the rest being riflemen carrying AK-47’s and CAR-15s, in setting up and executing an ambush on a relatively small NVA supplies convoy travelling along a Cambodian section of the Ho Chi Minh Trail. After initiating the ambush you have now been pinned down and pushed closer to the road. Explain how you would command and direct your men into creating a situation which would allow you and your team to pull out of the gunfight. [ANSWER HERE]

You are leading a 5 man RT into a prisoner-snatch operation where your objective is to secure a NVA or Vietcong as a PoW for questioning. Explain how you would prepare and execute the operation up to the moment you have apprehended the PoW for exfil. Provide a location, time and setting for your operation as well as the equipment you plan to use to incapacitate and capture the prisoner before beginning the roleplay. [ANSWER HERE]