Maurício Kanno roxo
Maurício Kanno roxo

My complete name is Mauricio de Paula Kanno, 24 years old. I live in Sao Paulo (city), Brazil, since I was born, but my exact birth place is in countryside of Sao Paulo state, in Guaratingueta city. I´ve entered in Wikipedia in november 2006, and I expect to colaborate a lot, mainly and firstly in themes relacted to my activities. I´ve also have been using, since octuber, the, a great website to show and get links. Visit my links at!

I got married to my dear educator-museum expertise Andrea Fonseca this year, and we have adopted: a ciclame (a kind of plant); a Betta fish we named Aurobindo; and two charming siames cats, Peter and Felicia. I´m happy with contacts: my e-mail is

  • Graduation and work

I graduated in Journalism at School of Communications and Arts/University of São Paulo in july 2006, but I also coursed one year of Engineering at Politecnic School of USP, in 2001. For more than one year, I´ve been working in Laboratory of Digital Inclusion and Communitary Education (Lidec) of School of the Future of USP website, and now, mainly at Acessa Sao Paulo (a project of the state) website, where work Lidec.