Hey guys, this user Mblur was created more by luck than by meaningful purpose. In fact the tale of this creation has been a subject of controversy, especially in connection with the article on the Iran-Iraq War. I decided to make this user when I came across the aforementioned article; more precisely to edit the result section in order to convey a more accurate and wider scope of the actual result by the end of the War. A particular editor, now banned for his childish insults and undertaking of "sockpuppetry", insisted on continuously altering the article in accordance with his own agenda. However, the article has since been edited to reflect a neutral point of view, hence providing readers with a reliable source of information. Furthermore, the said editor has now been decisively defeated on this article and this has been further emphasized through his indefinite ban. So that's the story of Mblur so far; I look forward to making positive contributions to Wikipedia especially on articles concerned with the Middle-East (which I have substantial knowledge about).Mblur (talk) 18:37, 8 April 2011 (UTC)