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Contribution to Science


Edelfelt's history also includes his involvement and friendship with renowned French biologist, microbiologist, and chemist, Louis Pasteur. One of Edelfelt's most important paintings is his portrait of Pasteur (link to painting). Only recently discovered, Edelfelt's letters to his mother reveals evidence of Edelfelt's knowledge and work with Pasteur, stating Pasteur's working habits and traits of personality.


This portrait of Pasteur is the most reproduced image of the scientist himself. It is the most popular portrait because it is unlike the many other typical portraits of Pasteur where he is sitting plainly. This specific portrait paints him engaging with his environment and using the modern-day tools of his time. Pasteur actively involved himself, working with Edelfelt, in the creation of this painting. This portrait painted by Edelfelt impacted Pasteur's career as it painted his reputation towards the public. Depicting Pasteur in the midst of his works brought out a aspects of himself that the public would not see otherwise. This impacted his reputation and success and molded his future.

reference: Weisberg, R.E., & Hansen, B. (2015). Collaboration of Art and Science in Albert Edelfelt’s Portrait of Louis Pasteur: The Making of an Enduring Medical Icon. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 89(1), 59-91. doi:10.1353/bhm.2015.0001.

Painting Style


1.1 En Plein Air Albert Edelfelt was one of the most renowned Finnish artists and impacted the Finnish 'Golden Age'. Edelfelt spent time in Antwerp and Paris, where he learned the practice of plein air. He took on a focus towards naturalism and his paintings gave a direct reflection of the Finnish countryside and lifestyle.

1.2 Religion Edelfelt also dabbled in religious painting, creating biblical scenes revolving around his comfort in the Finnish landscape. This can be easily interpreted in his 1890 painting, Christ and Mary Magdalene (insert painting link).

1.3 Illustration and Portraiture Edelfelt also had a successful career as an illustrator and portraitist.

reference: Chilvers, I. (2009). Edelfelt, Albert. In The Oxford Dictionary of Art and Artists. : Oxford University Press. Retrieved 11 Oct. 2019, from

Lavery, J. (1998). Finlands historia. Scandinavian Studies, 70(2), 274-275. Retrieved from