|caption=Pa amb tomàquet (bread and tomato with olive oil)|expanded=Traditions}}

Location of Catalonia in Spain
Location of Catalonia in Spain and Europe. The majority of the Catalan territory is part of the Mediterranean Basin, and its cuisine mainly belongs to the culinary tradition of this area

Catalan cuisine is the cuisine from Catalonia. It may also refer to the shared cuisine of Roussillon and Andorra, the second of which has a similar cuisine to that of the neighbouring Alt Urgell and Cerdanya comarques and which is often referred to as "Catalan mountain cuisine".[1] It is considered a part of western Mediterranean cuisine.[2]

There are several Catalan language cookbooks from the Middle Ages that are known to modern scholars. The Llibre de Coch [es] (1520) was one of the most influential cookbooks of Renaissance Spain.[3] It includes several sauce recipes made with ingredients such as ginger, mace powder (flor de macis), cinnamon, saffron, cloves (clauells de girofle), wine and honey.[4][5] Salsa de pagó took its name from the peacock (Catalan: el paó) that it was intended to be served with, but could accompany any type of poultry, and was part of the medieval Christmas meal.[6] Salsa mirraust (or mirausto alla catalana as it's called in the Cuoco Napoletano) was half-roasted (mi-raust) poultry that was finished in a salsa thickened with egg yolks, toasted almonds and breadcrumbs. In the version of the recipe from the 14th-century Llibre de Sent Soví [ast], the sauce is thickened with mashed poultry liver instead of egg yolks.[7]

See also



  1. ^ Sen, Miquel, et al, 2005, La Cuina comarca a comarca: Andorra-Cerdanya, Ciro DL. Barcelona.
  2. ^ [1] The New York Times, Spain: A Catalan Ole
  3. ^ Scholliers, Peter (2012). Writing Food History: A Global Perspective.
  4. ^ Lybre de doctrina Pera ben Servir: de Tallar: y del Art de Coch
  5. ^ Alimentació i societat a la Catalunya medieval. CSIC Press. 1998. ISBN 9788400069209.
  6. ^ "Pollastre o capó rostit amb salsa de pagó". Fundació Institut Català de la Cuina.
  7. ^ Two Ways of Looking at Maestro Martino Gastronomica Spring 2007 Vol. 7 Issue 2


Categor:Mediterranean cuisine Categor:Spanish cuisine cuisine Categor:Medieval cuisine