
{{Runefacts For List |district=Östergötland |country=Sweden |runescriber=Unknown |language=Old Norse |number_of_stones=248 |geocode=Ög |articles=Östergötland Rune Inscription 136 - Rök Runestone Test


District of Östergötland, Sweden


Östergötland Rune Inscription 136, more commonly known as the Rök Runestone.

|partlist= Part 1 (1 - 150) Part 2 (151 - 248) | }}

This list has been split up to ensure proper article size:

Rune Index # Location Native Text English Translation
1 Sweden $ $
2 Sweden "[K]jotvi(?) ok "Th[or]... [th]eir [b]r?dhr letu ... ... ... "Vefast, ... sinn. Kjotvi(?) and Thor-... these brothers had ... ... ... Vefastr ... their
3 Sweden ... ... stein thenna eptir "Fasta, son sinn. "G[udh](?) hjalpi(?) ... ... ... this stone in memory of Fasti, his son. May God(?) help(?) ...
4 Sweden "[Gu]nnarr(?) o[k] ... ... [mo]dhur sina. Gunnarr and ... ... their mother.
5 Sweden ... thessi eptir "As[u](?), konu sina. ... this (stone) in memory of Asa, his wife.
6 Sweden ... thessa ... ... bro[dhur] ... ... this ... ... brother ...
7 Sweden
8 Sweden $ A "Styggr/"Stigr gerdhi kuml thau ept "Eyvind, son sinn. Sa fell austr B medh "Eivisli. "Vikingr fadhi ok "Grimulfr. $ A Styggr/Stigr made this monument in memory of Eyvindr, his son. He fell in the east B with Eivisl. Vikingr coloured and Grimulfr.
9 Sweden ... ... rista stein thenna eptir "Asu modhur sin[a]. ... ... (had) this stone carved in memory of Asa, his mother.
10 Sweden $ ... ok "Geir... letu gera bru thessa ... ... letu reisa stein thenna eptir "Sker/"Skarf, f[r]aenda sinn godhan. $ ... and Geir- had this bridge made ... ... had this stone raised in memory of Sker/Skarfr, their good kinsman.
11 Sweden "Eysteinn reisti stein thenna eptir "Thori, fodhur sinn. Eysteinn raised this stone in memory of Thorir, his father.
12 Sweden
13 Sweden "Sigsteinn reisti stein thenna eptir "<i-ui>, fodhur sinn. Sigsteinn raised this stone in memory of <i-ui>, his father.
14 Sweden "Hroarr reisti stein thenna eptir "Jarna, son sinn. Hroarr raised this stone in memory of Jarni, his son.
15 Sweden ... reisti ... ... ... "..., bonda sinn n[ytan](?). ... raised ... ... ... ... her/his capable(?) husbandman.
16 Sweden "Syvurr reis[ti] ... ... ... ... [br]odhur sinn. Syvurr raised ... ... ... ... his brother.
17 Sweden "Ofradhr, "Gudhulfr ok "... ... ... eptir "Sigbjorn, fodhur sinn godhan(?). Ofradhr, Gudhulfr and ... ... ... in memory of Sigbjorn, their good father.
18 Sweden $ "Ottarr(?) [r]eisti stein the[nna ep]tir "Jafra ok "Vig, br?dhr sina. $ Ottarr(?) raised this stone in memory of Jafri and Vigr, his brothers.
19 Sweden ... ... ... ...
20 Sweden $ "Holmgeirr ok "Brandi their reistu stein thenna eptir "Kjallak/"Kjullak, fodhur sinn. $ Holmgeirr and Brandi, they raised this stone in memory of Kjallakr/Kjullakr, their father.
21 Sweden "Sveinn/"Steinn retti stein thenna eptir "Brun, son sinn nytan(?). Sveinn/Steinn erected this stone in memory of Brun, his capable(?) son.
22 Sweden "Asbjorn ok their "Ali/"Alli ok "Or?kja reistu stein eptir "Thorgaut, fodhur sinn. Asbjorn and Ali/Alli and Or?kja, they raised the stone in memory of Thorgautr, their father.
23 Sweden "Thorlakr let reisa stein thenna eptir "Raudha, fodhur sinn, ok eptir "Gunna. Thorlakr hadthis stone raised in memory of Raudhr, his father, and in memory of Gunni.
24 Sweden ... [e]ptir "Reif. ... in memory of Reifr.
25 Sweden "Stydhingr/"St?dhingr reisti stein thenna eptir "Jarla, brodhur sinn. Stydhingr/St?dhingr raised this stone in memory of Jarli, his brother.
26 Sweden "Onundr reisti stein the[nna e]ptir "Otr/"Odd, son sinn. Onundr raised this stone in memory of Otr/Oddr, his son.
27 Sweden "Thorir setti stein at "Thjalfar, fodhur sinn, er strendi a "<kautaun>. Thorir placed the stone in memory of Thjalfarr, his father, who landed in <kautaun>.
28 Sweden ... son, er bjo a "<kautaun> ... bonda(?) sinn. ... son, who lived in <kautaun> ... his/her husbandman(?).
29 Sweden "Asa let gera kuml eptir "Thorgisl, bonda sinn, ok "Thorgunnr eptir fodhur sinn. Asa had the monument made in memory of Thorgisl, her husbandman, and Thorgunnr in memory of her father.
30 Sweden "Sigsteinn let reisa stein thenn[a] eptir "Ingvar, son sinn. Hann vardh austr daudhr. Sigsteinn had this stone raised in memory of Ingvarr, his son. He died in the east.
31 Sweden "Freysteinn retti stein thenna eptir "Sigmund ok okaetri hann va byrdh. Freysteinn erected this stone in memory of Sigmundr, and more depressed (did he) convey the burden (here).
32 Sweden $ "Sveinn/"Steinn ok "Thorbjorn ok "Sandarr their rettu stein thenna eptir "Thorkel, brodhur sinn, son "<si--m>. $ Sveinn/Steinn and Thorbjorn and Sandarr, they erected this stone in memory of Thorkell, his (ie Torbjorn's) brother, son of <si--m>.
33 Sweden $ ... ... ... eptir "Saebjorn, fodhur sinn. $ ... ... ... in memory of Saebjorn, his father.
34 Sweden $ "Hlifundr reisti stein thenna eptir "Un, brodhur sinn. $ Hlifundr raised this stone in memory of Unnr, his brother.
35 Sweden M Bidhjum vara Pater [nost]er hans sal til ro ok til nadha ok "Radhborgar sal. "Gudh gefi theirra sal himinriki. M May we pray our paternoster for the peace and mercy of his soul and Radhborg's soul. May God give heaven their soul.
36 Sweden
37 Sweden ... thenna stein ok ... ... this stone and ...
38 Sweden "Ingvarr setti stein. Ingvarr placed the stone.
39 Sweden M Her liggr "Broddi i "Heimistodhum ok "Gillaug. Bidhjum vara Pater noster theirra sal til ro ok til nadha ok ollum kristn[u]m salum. M Here lies Broddi in Heimistadhir and Gillaug. May we pray our paternoster for the peace and mercy of their soul and of all Christian souls.
40 Sweden "Holfi gerdhi kuml thessi eptir "Ja[rl](?), fodhurbrodhur sinn, ok eptir "Askel brodhur. Holfi made this monument in memory of Jarl(?), his father's brother, and in memory of Askell, (his) brother.
41 Sweden "Gautarr(?) ok their(?) br?[dhr](?) ... ... "[G]udh hjalpi salu hans. Gautarr(?) and his brothers(?) ... ... May God help his soul.
42 Sweden $ "Hrolfr reisti stein thenna eptir "Thorstein/"Thjodhstein, son sinn. $ Hrolfr raised this stone in memory of Thorsteinn/Thjodhsteinn, his son.
43 Sweden "Solsi gerdhi sol. "Dagr(?) skut[a(?) i(?)] th[ett]a(?) hjo. Solsi(?) made(?) the sun(?). Dagr(?) cut(?) this(?) on the cliff-face.
44 Sweden "Karli reisti stein thenna eptir "Karl, fodhur sinn. Karli raised this stone in memory of Karl, his father.
45 Sweden "Hardhi ok "Sigreifr letu hoggva helli thessa ok gerdhu bru thessa eptir "Nann, brodhur sinn. Hardhi and Sigreifr had this rock-slab cut and made this bridge in memory of Nannr, their brother.
46 Sweden "Vebjorn reisti stein thenna eptir "Sylfu/"Solvu, brodhur sinn. Vebjorn raised this stone in memory of Sylfa/Solva, his brother.
47 Sweden $ "Thorfridha reisti stein thenna eptir "Askel, fodhur sinn, ok "Asbjorn, brodhur sinn. $ Thorfridha raised this stone in memory of Askell, her father, and Asbjorn, her brother.
48 Sweden
49 Sweden $M "Jesus "Kristr, sa alt ma, saeli(?) "Asu sal. I <thn> <nistiaa>, i stein lik a ganga. $M Jesus Christ, who is capable of all, may bless Asa's soul. In <thn> <nistiaa>, into the stone the corpse have to go.
50 Sweden ... ...
51 Sweden "Bergvidhr/"Barkvidhr gerdhi stein thenna ... "...rodh. "Gudh hjalpi sal hans. Bergvidhr/Barkvidhr made this stone ... ...-rodhr. May God help his soul.
52 Sweden $ ... ok their br?dhr letu le[ggja] ... thenna yfir "Jor... ... $ ... and these brothers had this ... laid over Jorhildr(?) ...
53 Sweden "Sveinheidhr(?) ok "Ing[a](?) ... ... ... "Eyvindar(?). "Gudh hjalpi salu. "Sveinn(?) helli(?) hjo(?). Sveinheidhr(?) and Inga(?) ... ... ... Eyvindr(?) May God help (his) soul. Sveinn(?) cut(?) the rock-slab.(?)
54 Sweden ... ok "As... ... ... ... sinn. ... and As-... ... ... ... his.
55 Sweden
56 Sweden "Valdrikr lagdhi stein the[nna] ... Valdrikr laid this stone ...
57 Sweden M "Asmundr gerdhi dyrr thessar. M Asmundr made this door.
58 Sweden
59 Sweden ... ... ... ... ... ...
60 Sweden "Dyri(?) setti stein thenna eptir "Asgaut, brodhur sinn, er bjo(?) <iattin> <thikra> i "Jotunstodhum(?) ok "Bruna, dreng(?) hardha godhan. Dyri(?) placed this stone in memory of Asgautr, his brother, who lived(?) in Jotunstadhir(?) and Bruni, a very good valiant man.(?)
61 Sweden "Sigrun reisti stein eptir "Asbjorn/"Austbjorn, fodhur sinn. Sigrun raised the stone in memory of Asbjorn/Austbjorn, her father.
62 Sweden $ "Eysteinn reis[t]i stei[n] ... [ep]tir "Askel, brodhur sinn. $ Eysteinn raised the stone ... in memory of Askell, his brother.
63 Sweden ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
64 Sweden $ Drengir reistu stein thenna ept "Greip, gilda sinn, "Lofi reist runar thessar, "Juta son. $ Valiant men raised this stone in memory of Greipr, their guild-brother - Lofi carved these runes - Juti's son.
65 Sweden ... let [h]o[gg]va [ku]ml ep[tir] "[Ragnh]ildi(?), [k]o[n]u s[in]a. ... ... ... had the monument cut in memory of Ragnhildr, his wife ... ...
66 Sweden "Ingivaldr reisti stein thenna eptir "Styfjald, brodhur sinn, svein algodhan, son "Spjallbodha i aett, en ek enda. Ingivaldr raised this stone in memory of Styfjaldr, his brother, an excellent lad, the son of Spjallbodhi in family, and I ended (it).
67 Sweden "Sverkir/"Sorkvir reisti stein thenna eptir "Geirna/"Karna/"Garna. Sverkir/Sorkvir raised this stone in memory of Geirni/Karni/Garni.
68 Sweden $ "Sveina gerdhi bru thessa eptir "Eyvind, brodhur sinn. Hann var vestr daudhr i "Vaerings <kai-i>. $ Sveina made this bridge in memory of Eyvindr, his brother. He died in the west on Vaeringr's ...
69 Sweden $ ... ... $ ... ...
70 Sweden $ "Bodhi(?) ... "Tosti ok "Toki their b[r?dhr] ... ... eptir "Thorgaut, [fo]dhur sinn. $ Bodhi(?) ... Tosti and Toki, these brothers ... ... in memory of Thorgautr, their father.
71 Sweden $ "Lokki/"Illugi reisti stein thenna eptir "Auna, sinn brodhur. $ Lokki/Illugi raised this stone in memory of Auni, his brother.
72 Sweden
73 Sweden $ ... [ku]ml thessi eptir "Svein ... ... $ ... these monuments in memory of Sveinn ... ...
74 Sweden $ "Gunnsteinn(?) ... ... "[Gu]dh hjalpi sal hennar. $ Gunnsteinn(?) ... ... May God help her soul.
75 Sweden $ ... [k]uml thetta yfir "Sigrun, modhu[r s]in[a]. "Gudh hjal[pi] ... $ ... this monument over Sigrun, his mother. May God help ...
76 Sweden ... their lo[gdhu](?) ... ... they laid(?) ...
77 Sweden "Tunna/"Tonna setti stein th[enna ep]tir sinn ver "Thorfast. Var hann manna mestr onidhingr. Tunna/Tonna placed this stone in memory of her husband Thorfastr. He was the most unvillainous of men.
78 Sweden [g]odhan ... good
79 Sweden ... ... ... ... ... ...
80 Sweden
81 Sweden $ A "Thorgerdhr(?) reisti stein thenna eptir "Ozur, sinn modhurbrodhur sinn, er endadhist austr i "Grikkjum. B Godhr karl "Gulli gat fimm sonu. Fell a "F?ri fr?kn drengr "Asmundr, endadhist "Ozurr austr i "Grikkjum, vardh a "Holmi "Halfdan drepinn, "Kari vardh at "Oddi(?) C ok daudhr "Bui. "Thorkell reist runar. $ A Thorgerdhr(?) raised this stone in memory of Ozurr, her mother's brother. He met his end in the east in Greece. B The good man Gulli got five sons. The brave valiant man Asmundr fell at F?ri; Ozurr met his end in the east in Greece; Halfdan was killed at Holmr (Bornholm?); Kari was (killed) at Oddr(?); C also dead (is) Bui. Thorkell carved the runes.
82 Sweden "Thorkell rei[st](?) ... thenna eptir "Eyvind, "Tosta son, er atti "Haugby. Thorkell carved(?) ... this in memory of Eyvindr, Tosti's son, who owned Haugbyr.
83 Sweden $ "Thora setti stein thenna eptir "Svein, son sinn, er vestr a "<ualu>. $ Thora placed this stone in memory of Sveinn, her son, who died in the west in <ualu>.
84 Sweden "Thorkell ok "Helga, thau reistu stein. Thorkell and Helga, they raised the stone.
85 Sweden "Helfr reisti s[tein thenn]a eptir "Thori. Helfr raised this stone in memory of Thorir.
86 Sweden ... ... [s]tein thenna ep[tir] "[Hal]fdan(?), fodhur ... ... ... this stone in memory of Halfdan(?), (his) father ...
87 Sweden
88 Sweden "Eysteinn reisti stein eptir "Kata/"Gadda, fraenda sinn. Eysteinn raised the stone in memory of Kati/Gaddi, his kinsman.
89 Sweden "Ormarr reisti kuml eptir "Askel, brodhur sinn. Ormarr raised the monument in memory of Askell, his brother.
90 Sweden "Ketill ... ... ... ... fraenda sinn. Ketill ... ... ... ... his kinsman.
91 Sweden $ "Or?kja(?) reisti stein the[nna] eptir "Ommu(?), systur. $ Or?kja(?) raised this stone in memory of Amma(?), (his) sister.
92 Sweden "Gautulfr(?) ok "Sveinn reistu stein thenna eptir "Bruna, fodhur sinn. Gautulfr(?) and Sveinn raised this stone in memory of Bruni, their father.
93 Sweden "Thjodhheidhr reisti stein thenna eptir "Bjorn, bonda sinn, er vardh hoggvinn. Thjodhheidhr raised this stone in memory of Bjorn, her husbandman, who was cut down.
94 Sweden $ "Asgauta/"Askatla ok "Gudhmundr thau reistu kuml thetta eptir "O[ddl]aug(?), er bjo i "Hadhistodhum. Hann var bondi godhr, daudhr i "Grikkjum(?). $ Asgauta/Askatla and Gudhmundr, they raised this monument in memory of Oddlaugr(?), who lived in Hadhistadhir. He was a good husbandman; (he) died in Greece(?)
95 Sweden ... thann ... ... ...
96 Sweden "Thorsteinn reisti stein thenna eptir "Eymund, brodhurson sinn. Thorsteinn raised this stone in memory of Eymundr, his brother's son.
97 Sweden "Gudhmundr reisti stein thenna eptir "Vestein, fodhur sinn. "Gudh hjalpi hans sal. Gudhmundr raised this stone in memory of Vesteinn, his father. May God help his soul.
98 Sweden $ A ... reis[a] stein thenna eptir "[K]rok(?), sinn fodh[ur] ... B ... $ A ... raise this stone in memory of Krokr(?), his father ... B ...
99 Sweden "Geirmundr ok "Onundr their reistu stein thenna eptir "Sota, fodhur sinn. Bjargi "Gudh sal hans. Geirmundr and Onundr, they raised this stone in memory of Soti, their father. May God save his soul.
100 Sweden "Sveinn ok "Sveinaldr reistu ... ... ... ..., fodhur ... Sveinn and Sveinaldr raised ... ... ... ... father ...
101 Sweden ... letu ger[a] ... "Askel ... ... had made ... Askell ...
102 Sweden $ "Sinkr let ... ... ... eptir "Fridhelfi, konu sina. "Gudh hjalpi salu hennar. $ Sinkr had ... ... ... in memory of Fridhelf, his wife. May God help her soul.
103 Sweden "Tofi reisti stein thenna eptir "Lidh-Bofa, fodhur sinn. Tofi raised this stone in memory of Lidh-Bofi, his father.
104 Sweden $ "Raudhr reisti stein thenna eptir "Tok[a], brodhur sinn, sa vardh drepinn a "Englandi, drengr hardha godhr. $ Raudhr raised this stone in memory of Toki, his brother, a very good valiant man, who was killed in England.
105 Sweden $ "Thorsteinn reisti stein eptir "Veseta, fodhur sinn, bonda nytan, er var hann sonr "Gisa. $ Thorsteinn raised the stone in memory of Veseti, his father, a capable husbandman, who was Gisi's son.
106 Sweden ... ... ... ...
107 Sweden ... [reis]ti badha steina at ... ... ... raised both stones in memory of ... ...
108 Sweden ... [r]eisti e[ptir]/a[t] ... ... raised in memory of ...
109 Sweden "Smidhr reisti stein eptir "Onund, son sinn. Smidhr raised the stone in memory of Onundr, his son.
110 Sweden ... ... eptir sonu sina ... ... ... ... in memory of his sons ... ...
111 Sweden $ "Vaeringr reisti stein eptir "Thjalfa, brodhur sinn, dreng thann, er var medh "Knuti. $ Vaeringr raised the stone in memory of Thjalfi , his brother, the valiant man who was with Knutr.
112 Sweden "Olof reisti stein thenna eptir "Hofi/"Hofi/"Hyfi, bonda sinn godhan. Olof raised this stone in memory of Hofir/Hofir/Hyfir, her good husbandman.
113 Sweden "Verun let reisa stein thenna eptir "Bofa, son sinn, ok eptir "Asgerdhi, dottur sina. "Gudh hjalpi sal theira. Verun had this stone raised in memory of Bofi, her son, and in memory of Asgerdhr, her daughter. May God help their souls.
114 Sweden $ ... ep[tir] ... $ ... in memory of ...
115 Sweden ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
116 Sweden
117 Sweden $ "...ver badh tja(?) stein thenn[a] ... ... ... $ ...-ver ordered this stone be shaped ... ... ...
118 Sweden "Gunnarr ok "Hemingr reistu stein thenna eptir fodhur sinn "Bergsvein ok "Ottar, brodhur sinn. Gunnarr and Hemingr raised this stone in memory of their father Bergsveinn and Ottarr, their brother.
119 Sweden "Sigdan retti stein thenna eptir "Ofaeta, fodhur sinn, bonda godhan. Sigdan erected this stone in memory of Ofaeti(?), his father, a good husbandman.
120 Sweden "Grimulfr reisti stein eptir "Thorbjorn, fodhur sinn. Grimulfr raised the stone in memory of Thorbjorn, his father.
121 Sweden "Asmundr ok their br?dhr reistu stein thenna eptir "Svarta, fodhur sinn. Asmundr and his brothers raised this stone in memory of Svarti, their father.
122 Sweden $ "Onundr reisti eptir "Hardhina(?)/"Hardhenna(?), brodhur sinn, godhan dreng, halla(?) oneisan(?). $ Onundr raised in memory of Hardhini(?)/Hardhenni(?), his brother, a good valiant man, very(?) renowned(?).
123 Sweden "Thorir(?) reisti stein eptir "Tuma/"Tumma/"Doma, son sinn. Thorir raised the stone in memory of Tumir/Tummi/Domi, his son.
124 Sweden $ "Ottarr/"Otama setti stein thenna eptir "Ketil, fodhur sinn. $ Ottarr/Otama placed(?) this stone in memory of Ketill, his father.
125 Sweden
126 Sweden
127 Sweden "<hua> let rei[sa]/ri[sta] ... ... sinn. <hua> had raised/carved ... ... his.
128 Sweden "Sandey let reisa stein thenna eptir "Fasta, bonda sinn, ok br?dhr sina tva "Gudhmund ok "Sigbjorn. Sandey had this stone raised in memory of Fasti, her husbandman, and her two brothers Gudhmundr and Sigbjorn.
129 Sweden "Gudhthorn ok "Sigsteinn ok "Geiri their reistu stein eptir "Olaf, brodhur sinn. Gudhdhorn and Sigsteinn and Geiri, they raised the stone in memory of Olafr, their brother.
130 Sweden "Joarr/"Ivarr reisti eptir "Einar(?), brodhur(?) sinn, dreng godhan. Joarr/Ivarr raised (the stone) in memory of Einarr, his brother(?), a good valiant man.
131 Sweden $ "Thorgeirr reisti kuml thessi eptir "Onund "Kanp, fodhur sinn. $ Thorgeirr raised this monument in memory of Onundr Moustache, his father.
132 Sweden "Holmsteinn reisti stein thenna ok bru gerdhi eptir "Myr(?), fodhur sinn, er bjo i "Jotunstodhum. Holmsteinn raised this stone and made the bridge in memory of Myrr(?) (The Ant ?), his father, who lived in Jatunstadhir.
133 Sweden "Broddr reisti stein thenna eptir "Saxa, fodhur sinn, ok eptir "Odd, brodhur sinn. "Gudh hjalpi theim. Broddr raised this stone in memory of Saxi, his father, and in memory of Oddr, his brother. May God help them.
134 Sweden $ "Finnvidhr setti ... thenna ept[ir] ... $ Finnvidhr placed this ... in memory of ...
135 Sweden $ "Skaungr ok "Ozurr reistu stein thenna eptir "Kag(?)/"Gag(?), fodhur sinn. $ Skaungr and Ozurr raised this stone in memory of Kagr(?)/Gagr(?), their father.
136 Sweden $ Eptir "Vemodh/"Vamodh standa runar thaer. En "Varinn fadhi, fadhir, eptir feigjan son. Sogum mugminni/ungmenni that, hverjar valraufar vaeri tvaer thaer, svat tolf sinnum vaeri numnar at valraufu, badhar saman a ymissum monnum. That sogum annat, hverr fyrir niu oldum an yrdhi fjor medh "Hreidhgotum, auk do medh hann um sakar. Redh "Thjodhrikr hinn thormodhi, stillir flotna, strondu "Hreidhmarar. Sitr nu gorr a gota sinum, skildi umb fatladhr, skati "Maeringa. That sogum tolfta, hvar hestr se "Gunnar etu vettvangi a, konungar tveir tigir svat a liggja. That sogum threttanda, hverir tveir tigir konungar saeti at "Sjolundi fjora vetr at fjorum nofnum, bornir fjorum brodhrum. "Valkar fimm, "Radhulfs synir, "Hreidhulfar fimm, "Rugulfs synir, "Haislar fimm, "Hordhs synir, "Gunnmundar/"Kynmundar fimm, "Bjarnar synir. Nu'k m[inni] m[edh] ollu [se]gi. Einhverr ... [sva]t ... eptir fra. Sogum mugminni/ungmenni that, hvar "Ingoldinga vaeri goldinn at kvanar husli. Sogum mugminni/ungmenni, hveim se borinn nidhr drengi. "Vilinn er that. Knua/knyja knatti jotun. "Vilinn er that ... Sogum mugminni/ungmenni: "Thorr. "Sibbi veaveri ol nir?dhr. $ In memory of Vemodhr/Vamodhr stand these runes. And Varinn coloured them, the father, in memory of his dead son. I say the folktale / to the young men, which the two war-booties were, which twelve times were taken as war-booty, both together from various men. I say this second, who nine generations ago lost his life with the Hreidgoths; and died with them for his guilt. Thjodhrikr the bold, chief of sea-warriors, ruled over the shores of the Hreidhsea. Now he sits armed on his Goth(ic horse), his shield strapped, the prince of the Maerings. I say this the twelfth, where the horse of Gunnr sees fodder on the battlefield, where twenty kings lie. This I say as thirteenth, which twenty kings sat on Sjolund for four winters, of four names, born of four brothers: five Valkis, sons of Radhulfr, five Hreidhulfrs, sons of Rugulfr, five Haisl, sons of Hordhr, five Gunnmundrs/Kynmundrs, sons of Bjorn. Now I say the tales in full. Someone ... I say the folktale / to the young men, which of the line of Ingold was repaid by a wife's sacrifice. I say the folktale / to the young men, to whom is born a relative, to a valiant man. It is Velinn. He could crush a giant. It is Velinn ... I say the folktale / to the young men: Thorr. Sibbi of Ve, nonagenarian, begot (a son).
137 Sweden M ... M ...
138 Sweden
139 Sweden "Rikulfr let gera kuml thessi eptir "Gerdhar, fodhur sinn. "Gudh hjalpi ond ... Rikulfr had this monument made in memory of Gerdharr, his father. May God help (his) spirit ...
140 Sweden ... eptir "Svein, bonda(?) ... ... in memory of Sveinn, husbandman(?) ...
141 Sweden "... ok "... ... ep[ti]r/yf[i]r "... ... and ... ... in memory of/over ...
142 Sweden "Vekell reisti stein eptir "Hermodh, fodhur sinn. Vekell raised the stone in memory of Hermodhr, his father.
143 Sweden "Sveini reisti stein thenna eptir "Gaut, brodhur sinn. Sveini raised this stone in memory of Gautr, his brother.
144 Sweden ... reisti stein thenna eptir "Helga, fodhur s[inn]. ... raised this stone in memory of Helgi, his father.
145 Sweden ... [fodh]ur/[brodh]ur sinn, er forst ... helfningi(?) austr. ... his father/ brother, who perished ... troop(?) in the east.
146 Sweden $ "Ofradhr setti stein ... "Hrolf fodhur sinn "Arnkel ok ... stein thenna. $ Ofradhr placed the stone ... Hrolfr, his father, Arnkell and ... this stone
147 Sweden "Sveinn ok "Sandarr their gerdhu spengr eptir "Fugla, brodhurson sinn. Sveinn and Sandarr, they made foot-bridges in memory of Fugli, their brother's son.
148 Sweden "Helga reisti stein thenna eptir "Asmund, son sinn. Helga raised this stone in memory of Asmundr, her son.
149 Sweden "[Ha]kon(?) ok "Sigsteinn reistu eptir "Hrolf, fodhur sinn, [s]tein thenna. Hakon(?) and Sigsteinn raised this stone in memory of Hrolfr, their father.
150 Sweden "Gunna/"Gynna ok "Thorunnr ok "Thor... ... ... ... sinn, ok "Gunna e[ptir] ... Gunna/Gynna and Thorunnr and Thor-... ... ... their ... and Gunna in memory of ...