Md Mahmudur Rahman: A Bangladeshi journalist & blog writer too. In 1st may 1998, he was born at Inamoti in Zakiganj of Sylhet district. His father name is Md Abdus Sakur & his mother name is Hamida khatun. He have 3 brothers & 6 sisters. His father had died in 2012.

His Study: Md mahmudur Rahman start his primary education Journey in Inamoti primary school. After complete his primary level, he was admit in Isamoti Rafikia Hafijia Ibtedayee Madrasha for hifjul Quran. After completed his hifzul Quran, he has admit in Isamoti Kamil madrasah. Now he is in BSS hon's(Economics) in MC College, sylhet & BTIS(pass) in Zakiganj fazil senior Madrasah.

His occupation: in 2017 he was start as a Upzila representive of The Dainik Vorer Surjo. Then he joined as a college representive of The Weekly Zakiganjer Dak(print newspaper). In 2019 he joined as a sub-editor of The Dhaka Conversation & The Bangla Shirsho Shangbad. Now he is running his work with them.

His work: He has open a personal website( for writing. He start Poromanu 50 share(A saving money organization) in 2018 as a creator. Now he is 'Project Chairman' of Red Point(A blood donation project of ZSC).

His Achievement: He was 32 govt. Non govt. Schoolarship in his career. He was selectes best Hifz in national hifzul quran competition in 2013. He was got govt. Scholarship in JDC & Dakhil.

Aim in life: He want to be a perfect speaker, truly journalist. Everybody pray for him.