Greetings fellow users of Wikipedia! I'm a Mirandese/Portuguese native speaker who is interested in contributing to Wikipedia in what comes to Mirandese and related topics. Bienbenidos séiades a la mie páigina.

Babel user information
mwl-N Este outelizador ten cumo lhéngua de nacença l mirandés.
pt-N Este utilizador tem como língua materna o português.
en-5 This user has professional knowledge of English.
es-2 Esta persona tiene un conocimiento intermedio del español.
ja-0 この利用者は日本語分かりません (または理解するのがかなり困難です)。
nl-0 Deze gebruiker heeft geen kennis van het Nederlands (of begrijpt het met grote moeite).
Users by language
This user is a citizen of Portugal.
This user has a near-complete understanding of the International Phonetic Alphabet.
This user is interested in linguistics.
BLAHThis user is interested in linguistics and etymology.