User:Mdupont/Parallel structures of Kosovo



This article is to document and cite references on the current status of the parallel government structures of Kosovo.



The word district is very ambigious. According to new plan for the election system [1] the districts of serbia are referred to as "UNMIK regions" and not districts.

There are several different sets of administrative units in existence in Kosovo:

* The five UNMIK regions * The seven regions used by the Statistical Institute to collect and report data * The seven telephone exchanges (all identified with specific municipalities) * The 30 municipalities across Kosovo

Districts versus Municipalities


Okrug Okrug is the Serbian term for District, and Opstina Opština the one for Municipality, don't confuse them.

There are three versions of the divisions of Kosovo on wikipedia,

  • Districts of Kosovo, Serbia

Districts_of_Kosovo_and_Metohija, this is the old serbian view, as well as Kosovo_District, these structures do not have any real meaning on the ground in terms of law etc.

There are references to the various districts on webpages, "Prištinski okrug" for example shows up on webpages where things are for sale, in serbian, so the local serbs or serbian webpages still use these districts.

  • Districts of Kosovo, Kosovo

Districts_of_Kosovo this was a copy and paste of that, no longer used.

  • Municipalities of Kosovo

See these Municipalities_of_Kosovo.

Only the Municipalities are of relevance currently in Kosovo.

Police Force


The police force in the disputed north of kosovo is being transfered from the UNMIK to the EULEX. [2]

from the UNMIK article

While UNMIK still exists, it does so in a minor role following the creation, in December 2008, of the European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX).[3] EULEX assists and supports the Kosovo authorities in the rule of law area, specifically in the police, judiciary and customs areas.[4]

EULEX reports (The EULEX Programme Report July 2009) poor cooperation in the north

KP Border Regional Headquarters (RHQ) North: The level of cooperation between RHQ North and the Kosovo Serb officers (operating to the north of Mitrovicë/Mitrovica) is described by EULEX monitors as generally poor.




in a report from 2007 the Regional Police Headquarters (RHQ), was the only under UNMIK Police command.[6]

in a report from Feb 2010, Peter Feith,( EU envoy in Kosovo, EU special representative of the International Civilian Office, EU special representative to Kosovo ) , said that parallel municipal structures in northern Kosovo still need to be replaced. [7]

they would like to create another, new municipality for the Serbian part of the divided town of Kosovska Mitrovica for the purposes of elections, this would indicate that the districts are no longer used. [8]

The article makes reference to "three northern regions." [9] [10]

These are not districts, an old term, but the municipalities, the ones that it could mean are Leposavić, Zvečan, Zubin Potok, but the city of Mitrovica in Kosovska Mitrovica is also know to be split, they are the part of the old district District_of_Kosovska_Mitrovica, where the other ones, Vučitrn and Srbica are mostly Albanian dominated.

See this picture for clarity  .


  1. ^ ttp://
  2. ^
  3. ^ "EU launches Kosovo police mission", BBC, 9 December 2008. – Retrieved on 19 May 2009.
  4. ^ "What is EULEX - EULEX Kosovo". Retrieved 2010-04-28.
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