
Invitation to the first international Software Freedom Conference Kosova 2009.

Dear people of Kosovo,

We have been working for the past year on the first of a series of large educational events for you. We have found a large number of qualified people from Kosovo, from the region and from around the world to come to Prishtina this weekend to tell you about computers in relation with society and about working in the new world of the internet. We will show you the current trends and tell you about what we see as the future of computing.

We would like to invite you to come to the Technical Faculty on Saturday at 8:00. The reason why we are starting so early is because we have many speakers. We have over 40 talks on different topics. We will be talking about how you can achieve long term security for yourself, your family and your business. We will show you how you can have a stable operating system, be virus free and be more productive while reducing your costs.

This system has all these benefits because it's based on four important freedoms: The freedom to run the program, for any purpose, the freedom to study how the program works, and change it to make it do what you wish, the freedom to redistribute copies so you can help your neighbor and the freedom to improve the program, and release your improvements (and modified versions in general) to the public, so that the whole community benefits.

Also, we will talk about how a large number of people are working together, how international groups of people are helping each other going beyond the boundaries of families and countries to create truly global and equal opportunity for all people.

We will be presenting Wikipedia, Wikibooks and other collaborative wiki projects. But we will also present OpenStreet Map as a collaborative effort to create maps and guides for Kosovo. We will also show you how you can contribute to these projects and how you can personally make a difference! Even if you have no computer skills, you can help translate texts into Albanian. You can help create a map of Kosovo by adding in your favorite cafe and also checking the map we have, adding in street names. Also you can help document the history of Kosovo, or your favorite sport, in Albanian, Turkish, Bosnian, English, German or any other language on Wikipedia.

We have also brought many business people to the conference, and you will have an opportunity to make contacts for jobs. There is a large demand for programmers, translators, project managers and helpers in the world. Kosovo can help and also make money. When you work on an open and public project, you can present yourself and show your qualities.

Also, we would like to inform you of your rights online and in work. We would like to show you how to create valuable work online and have it protected by law. We will show you about copyright law, and explain how to prepare yourselves for changes in society in the coming years.

So, please think about coming this Saturday at 8:00. It will be early, but we need to start early because of the amount of material we have to cover. Please bring all your friends, family and also tell all the people interested in computer technology.

Here is an overview of our schedule :

The is also looking for members to help out with the conference. Please contact us if you have any questions. Contact Details [email protected]

You can register online