User:Mehmet Karatay/List of plants in the Afro-alpine Zone of Mount Kenya

Names list

The plants found in the Afro-alpine zone of Mount Kenya are very diverse, and are well adapted to the hostile climate in which they live.


Scientific name


Common name Common habitats Other places it lives Altitude
Agrostis trachyphylla

(Pilg., 1926)[1]

Tussocky grassland and moorland, and rocky ground[2] Kenya, also Ruwenzori (Uganda) and Kilimanjaro (Tanzania)[2] Afro-alpine[2]
Deschampsia flexuosa

(L., )[3]

Wavy hair-grass Gravelly soil and rocky slopes[4] Holarctic distribution to 3,000 metres (9,800 ft)[4]
Anthoxanthum nivale

(K.Schum., 1895)

(species of Vernal grass)
Festuca pilgeri

(Saint-Yves, 1927)

Pentaschistis minor

(C.E.Hubb., 1937)

Festuca abyssinica

(Hochst., 1841)

Agrostis sclerophylla

(C.E.Hubb., 1936)

(species of bent)
Koeleria convoluta

(Hochst. ex Steud., )

(species of junegrass)
Poa schimperi

([[]], )

Poa leptoclada

([[]], )

Arundinaria alpina

(K.Schum., 1895)[5]

African Alpine Bamboo Creates thickets Tropical East and Central Africa Thickets between 2,400 metres (7,900 ft) and 3,000 metres (9,800 ft)[6], isolated patches to 1,800 metres (5,900 ft).


Scientific name


Common name Common habitats Other places it lives Altitude
Carex monostachya

(A.Rich., 1847-1850)

Carex runssoroensis

(K.Schum., 1895)

Endemic to Ruwenzori, Virunga Volcanoes, Mount Elgon, Aberdares and Mount Kenya.[7]

Flowering plants

Scientific name


Common name Common habitats Other places it lives Altitude
Ranunculus oreophytus

(Delile, 1843)

Arabis alpina

(Steud., 1840)

Swertia kilimandscharica

(Engl., 1891)

Valeriana kilimandscharica

(Engl., 1894)

Gladiolus watsonioides

(Baker, 1885)

Anemone thomsonii

(Oliv., 1885)

Subularia monticola

(Braun and Schweinf., 1867)

Helichrysum brownei

(S. Moore, )

Haplocarpha ruepellii

([[]], )

Gladiolus thomsonii

(Baker, 1881)

Helichrysum odoratissimum

(Sweet, 1826)

Helichrysum cymosum

(D.Don, 1824)

Helichrysum citrispinum

(Delile, 1843)

Helichrysum chionoides

(Philipson, 1937)

Helichrysum nandense

(S. Moore, )

Helichrysum meyeri-johannis

(Engl., 1891)

Helichrysum ellipticifolium

(Moeser, 1910)

Helichrysum formosissimum

(Sch.Bip, 1845)

Helichrysum guilemii

(Engl, )

Helichrysum spp.
Erica arborea

(L., 1753)

Geranium kilimandscharicum

(Engl., 1891)

Luzula abyssinica

(Parl., )

Valeriana kilimandscharica

(Engl., 1894)

Wahlenbergia pusilla

(Hochst. ex A.Rich., )

Myosotis keniensis

(T.C.E.Fr., 1923)

Cerastium afromontanum

(T.C.E.Fr., 1929)

Romulea keniensis

(Hedberg, 1957)

Oreophyton falcatum

(O.E.Schulz, 1924)

Veronica gunae

(Schweinf. ex Engl., 1891)

Montia fontana

(L., 1753)

Swertia subnivalis

(T.C.E.Fr., 1923)

Cerastium octandrum

(Camus, 1888)

Erica trimera

(Engl., )

(Polyscias fulva

(Hiern, 1894)

Swertia volkensii

(Gilg, )

Erica excelsa

(Tausch, 1834)

Erica filago

(Alm & T.C.E.Fr., )

Herbaceous plants

Scientific name


Common name Common habitats Other places it lives Altitude
Galium ruwenzoriense

(Ehrendorfer, 1957)

Heracleum elgonense

(Bullock, 1932)

Alchemilla argyrophylla

(Oliv., 1886)

Alchemilla cyclophylla

(T.C.E.Fr., 1923)

Alchemilla johnstonii

(Oliv., 1886)

Satureja punctata

(R.Br., 1896)

Galium glaciale

(Krause, 1909)

Cardamine obliqua

(Hochst. ex A.Rich., )

Aromatic plants

Scientific name


Common name Common habitats Other places it lives Altitude
Haplosciadium abyssinicum

(Hochst., 1844)

Peucedanum frieiorum

([[]], )


Scientific name


Common name Common habitats Other places it lives Altitude
Sedum ruwenzoriense

(Baker f., 1908)

Crassula granvikii

(Mildbraed, 1922)

Sedum crassularia

(R.Hamet, 1929)

Giant thistles

Scientific name


Common name Common habitats Other places it lives Altitude
Carduus keniensis

(R.E.Fr., 1925)

Carduus platyphyllus

(R.E.Fr., 1925)

Carduus chamaecephalus

(Oliv. & Hiern, )

Carduus chaemophyllus

([[]], )

Giant groundsels

Scientific name


Common name Common habitats Other places it lives Altitude
Senecio keniodendron

(T.C.E.Fr., 1922)

Senecio keniensis
Senecio keniophytum


Senecio purtschelleri

(Engl., 1891)

Giant lobelia

Scientific name


Common name Common habitats Other places it lives Altitude
Lobelia telekii

(Engl., 1891)

Lobelia keniensis

(T.C.E.Fr., 1922)

Water plants

Scientific name


Common name Common habitats Other places it lives Altitude
Potamogeton schweinfurthii

(Arth.Benn., )


Scientific name


Common name Common habitats Other places it lives Altitude
Grimmia perichetialis

([[]], )

Tortula cavallii

([[]], )

Brachythecium dümmeri

([[]], )

Aulacomnium turgidum

([[]], )

Campylopus denticuspes

([[]], )

Philonotis fontana

([[]], )

Didymodon spp.

([[]], )

Bryum spp.

([[]], )


([[]], )


Scientific name


Common name Common habitats Other places it lives Altitude
Rhizocarpon geographicum

([[]], )


([[]], )


([[]], )


([[]], )


([[]], )


  1. ^ "International Plant Names Index". Retrieved 2009-05-29.
  2. ^ a b c "Agrostis trachyphylla". Retrieved 2009-05-29.
  3. ^ "Deschampsia flexuosa". Retrieved 2009-05-29.
  4. ^ a b "Encyclopaedia of Life:Deschampsia flexuosa". Retrieved 2009-05-29.
  5. ^ "Arundinaria alpina". Retrieved 2009-05-29.
  6. ^ "Arundina alpina" (PDF). Retrieved 2009-05-29.
  7. ^ Rejmánkivá, Eliska. "A Comparison of Carex runssoroensis Fens on Ruwenzori Mountains and Mount Elgon, Uganda". Biotropica. 27 (1): 37–46. doi:10.2307/2388901. JSTOR 2388901. {{cite journal}}: Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored (|author= suggested) (help)